Reverse Racism

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I'm gonna get into something serious right now. This is a half-rant? If we could call it like that.

My awesome friend made me read something the other day. And it kinda triggered me. And now I really need to talk about this topic.

So today imma write about reverse racism. Now I'm only going to say this once: I am not racist. I feel like I need to say that because some people tend to be a bit easy to offend.

Anyways, reverse racism, what is it? Now we all know a white person can be racist. Alright we got that clear. Reverse racism is saying that a black person can be racist, against a white person.

Now let's get something clear, the expression: 'reverse racism' is wrong itself. There's no such thing as reverse racism. Why? Because racism doesn't only point at black and white people. It points at ALL races. Racism - Race-ism.

This means that a black person can be racist over a white person. A Mexican can be racist against an Asian person. A Russian could be racist over a Canadian person. It goes ALL ways. There are no exceptions.

And some say that POC (people of color) can't be racist. Why? Because of their past. First of all, it's 2016, open your fucking eyes. Most of the world aint racist anymore. Second of all, we're all of fucking color! Some people have darker skin, some people have lighter skin. Unless you're legally blind, you'd see that 'white people' are beige. 'Black people' are a darker brown.

Please enlighten yourself and open your eyes before you say some dumb shit about another race! Get a bit of knowledge please.

Sorry if I offended anyone, just needed to clear this out. Most of you already know all of this. But some people haven't been enlightened yet.

That's all for today, I'll try to make the next topic a bit more interesting. I just had to adress this topic.

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