How to Get Girls (via Dms)

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Hey guys!
So I thought about doing somerandomer2 and Darth_Kronis a favor and give you guys a tutorial on how to get girls! (via Dms)

So there are a few steps into how to get girls (via Dms), and a few exceptions.
Let's start.

Step one - Like all of her selfie and profile pictures. Be as creepy as possible. Like all her statuses, comment on everything and always leave a creepy "<3".

Step two - Slide into her DMs.

First) Start off the conversation by saying a simple hello. More or somewhat like a "hey babe", or a "hey cutie", or a "you look hot", or a "hey hottie", or even maybe a "wanna fuck?".

If she doesn't answer: Move on to the next girl, she doesn't deserve you.

If she does answer: Start a normal conversation.

Next) When you have nothing to say, compliment her, tell her she looks nice. Somewhat like, "Ur hot asf", or like "I wanna bang you", or like "You got dat ass". Like I said, be a gentleman.

Step three - This is a very crucial step.
If she stops messaging you,
If she keeps messaging you,
If she seems not comfortable talking to you,
In all of those cases,
You need to send her a Dick pic.

Like I said, crucial step.

Now before sending the picture:
- Shave off all that hair.

While taking the picture:
- Have pride in what you're about to do.
- Get the right lighting.
- Get the right angle.

And then send the damn picture.

Step four -
If she blocks you,
If she stops messaging you,
If she calls the cops on you,

Don't feel let down,
Stalk her EVEN MORE.
Stalk her.
Stalk her.
Stalk her!
Every hour!

And one day you'll get the girl, trust me, it works;)
- Approved by the Gullibility Research Team.

So that's all for the tutorial.
You guys can try it out, tell me how it goes.

I gotta go,
Peace out peasants!
Disclaimer: Please don't actually try this. Please.

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