Sick of Being Sick

62 13 13

I'm fucking sick of being sick.
I swear to god, I'm sick of it.

My head hurts, my nose is sooooo runny (I used a fuck ton of tissues today. I had like a million of'em in my pockets because we had a 3 hour writing exam and I needed to blow my nose every 20 minutes. Twas very annoying).

So yeah, and I walked home so my clothes were full of sweat, had to shower when I arrived. The day wasn't too good. I'm rarely sick but when I am and my nose's runny like a waterfall, I truly F-ing hate it.

I swore a lot while I walked home. Swearing kinda helps me relieve some anger. And yeah I do talk to myself when I walk by myself. I didn't have any music to listen to, no earbuds.

Thats all y'all.
Hope I'll get better soon.
Peace out ma bois.

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