The Beast

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Have you ever heard of the Beast?
Oh you haven't?

I'm surprised, because I know that you know the Beast very well.

The Beast is a very powerful creature.
It knows how to control and handle it's own environment.

It also has a nickname, but I won't tell you it's nickname just yet.

The Beast only knows how to do 3 things:
1- Consume
2- Produce
3- Destroy

It is very good at destroying and it loves to consume. The ones who produce usually control those who consume the most.

Most of them destroy, whether they produce or consume.
They destroy their own environment, without even knowing they do.
Because they're too ignorant.

They destroy on a daily basis, some more than the others. Somehow, those who produce destroy the most. Those who destroy consume a lot. Those who don't destroy, do destroy.

It may seem confusing.
Those who do everything not to destroy, still contribute to the destruction in some way.

It's sad really.
The Beast is a kind that likes to self-destruct.
For power,
For currency.

They love what they do, without knowing the consequences.
Yeah some do know the consequences, but do it anyway.

Some know the consequences, and try to stop the others from destroying, but no one can stop the them from destroying and consuming.

It's kind of like an infinite cercle of destruction. They cannot stop themselves from destroying nor from consuming.

At last, they're doomed. Their future isn't going anywhere.

They could change, they could protect themselves and their environment, but I fear it is too late for that.

We like to call them a certain name.
We call them humans.

That is all.

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