Cringe Alert

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Okay, let me start off by saying: ewww.
Ew. Ew. Ewwww.

Kkay so in 2015, when I first got into writing, I wrote a small (unfinished) story. And now that I look back at it, I wanna vomit. This fucking small story is SO shit, it's incredible.

I could even bet lionmouse doesn't have a story as shit as this one. You might need to wash your eyes with bleach after reading this. I'm ashamed of myself for having this.

Now keep in mind, I wrote this a long time ago. A time I don't want to remember.
Warning: It's gonna be a very cringy story.
So here it goes:

- My name's Klonoa, said the young boy. I'm new here and I don't know where my classes are.

- Come with me, i'll show you the way.

Arrived in class, I saw everybody looking at me like I was the weirdest thing they ever saw. Felt so awkward but I didn't really care. Making friends wasn't quite an option at this school since I didn't want any. I didn't  have a choice, I was like obligated to have friends since, many students came to me while lunch break. I was alone enjoying my sandwich, well not that much since it had cheese in it. I hate cheese, but my mom always puts cheese in my sandwich. Anyways, so I was sitting there eating, and then a well build up guy, for a student, came up to me and said :

- Give me your lunch money, faggot. (A/N: woooow edgy word there Dark.)

I just didn't respond. He didn't deserve my respect so I just stayed silent.

- You scared of me, bruh ? Said the anonymous boy.

- You should get out of here before someone gets hurt. I said, with no patience. It's my first day, don't feel like beating up a bully for the first day.

- What did you say ? Come on get up little asshole.

With no hesitation, I suddenly got up and took his arm, put it around his neck suffocating him until he'd give up. He ran with tears in his eyes and from that day I never saw him again. I once passed by him but he didn't even look at me. I frightened him so much, I was now like a threat to him. He shut his mouth about this hole story because he knew he would get in trouble too. I was walking in the hallway on my way to class, every step I took, pushed a person to move to the side, they were all looking at me like I was a cerial killer and that bothered me a little bit. I suddenly stopped and said :

- Move, this is not a statue contest and I'm not evaluating you on how silent you are. What I did was horrible, but not enough for you all to fear me. So move ! (A/N Urgh I'm reading this story rn and its making me cringe so hard ;-; )

Everybody started moving like if nothing happened. I just wanted to fit in this school but looks like beating up bullies is suddenly so bad. I infact had a problem. My rage could conquer me at any moment but even more silently than anyone here. Nothing could actually cure me and somtimes I felt like killing people. Some students always say that seeing or killing someone is impossible since it makes them sick. God, I think these people are way to innocent for...

- Hey, your name's Klonoa right ? said one of my random classmates.

I hate when people interrup me while i'm thinking. It's so annoying everybody does that ! Don't they know i'm thinking !?!

- Yes it is. I said, to be respectful.

He looked like a nice young boy, he always smiles and has golden hair. He had beautiful purple eyes, really rare, but that's not what interested me. With the side of my eye, I saw some kind of mark on his back, it looked like an eagle. Eagle marked civiliens, have eyes that changes color every month, and it could be any color, sometimes it depends on the person's feelings.

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