League of Legends

71 11 4

Let's forget all about that last chapter... haha.
So apparently League of Legends is one of the most played games ever.

Although lots of people hate on it. Why?

Why do gamers hate on League players so much? I mean, maybe I just don't know the community enough yet, but people say it's toxic.

Now, I enjoy the game itself, a lot. I think the game is well made, there are lots of strategies you can use in the game and a wide selection of champions + it's completely free to play. You can specialize in Jungle, Mid, Bot or Top lanes. You can be a sorcerer, tank, assassin, jungler (you kill mostly monsters and not enemies), warrior, and like a lot of other things. The community is gigantic and there are even worldwide competitions! (Like who's the best League team in the world.) (Like those CoD competitions.)

So why do people hate on it so much? (I'm actually asking, I really do not know.)
Is it hated on only because it's so popular?
Because it's a mainstream game?


Peace outs peasants.

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