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Wattpaders Go to School - Randomer Edition - Non-smut

"Guys, today is the day," said Darth_Kronis with anticipation.

"Yeah, but where's Randomer?" Asked Chekerboard.

The whole group got silent, then lionmouse said, "I'll text him."

Everyone got silent again, waiting for Lion to tell them where he was.

"Hey guys... check your Kik's," she said.

They pulled out their phones.

"Randomer, he left the group chat," muttered Benny.

"BennyBedlam, what are you doing here, you're like 30 and we're in high school..." said Kronis.

"None the matter! Does anybody know why he left? Lion?" Benny asked.

"No, I don't, and this is kind of giving me the chills..." Lion answered.

A Week Later

Hello my fellow friends, I have news for you all. somerandomer2 has disappeared. We don't know where he is, we don't know if he'll ever come back.

Kronis - The Day
Where is Randomer? He disappeared after his countdown. Where is he now? We have no idea. Where do you think he is? Leave it the comments.

Benny and Possumpants - Randomer is Gone
Why'd he leave? That bastard. Can't even tell us where he's going, he just disappears like that. What a prick, an asshole! Leaving his friends there to wonder where he has gone to. Disappointing.

Checker - That's Weird
So a guy named Randomer in our group chat just left and kinda disappeared? I mean he doesn't answer our messages, and we don't know why he left either.

Darkest Neon - The Grand Escape
Somerandomer, he's gone, and I feel like I know why. Randomer has always been a very private man, and we've come to discover things about him. Maybe his countdown was his preparation to his grand escape. His disappearance was all planned.

That's what he wanted, to disappear. Even though he enjoyed talking to us, he knew that one day he had to disappear. He had to remain a mystery in the minds of everyone around him. He couldn't let people know who he really was, and his connection with us had gone too far, he couldn't stay any longer. He cherished his last moments with us during his countdown, and then disappeared. He slowly and stealthily slid through and out of our group, without any of us knowing he would do so.

"I hate to say that your theory might be the most logical one," said Lion to Dark.

"I hope he comes back," they all thought.

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