League of Assassins

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Today I'm introducing y'all to something I newly created, a League of Assassins.
Each character is based off of one of my friends. I would create some for you guys but I already have like 10(+) and I don't really have any other ideas for more. Almost every type of weapon is already used.

So League of Assassins? I've created over 10(+) characters and each of them kill people in different ways. I'll write a chapter for each and every one of them, writing out their backstories (reasons to why they've decided to become assassins/killers/criminals(?)). Why assassins though? Because I'm a huge fan of them. Even though their actions are kinda wrong and illegal, they still fascinate me.

Here's a sneak peek:
Assassin N°1 (Me):
SukeShiro, shadow assassin.
Excels in subtle takedowns, works with the darkness.

Assassin N°2 (aelithchu ):
Liraa, The Viper.
Excels in poisoning her enemies. Carries different types of poisons around. Doesn't like brutal deaths.

Assassin N°3:
Ahri, mind manipulation.
Excels in the art of hypnosis. Makes her pray go through a trance with her voice. Executes her target once the opportunity is met.

Assassin N°4:
Sosenka, brutal murderer. (A/N: Go follow @itlookslikekilled on insta, amazing artist)
Excels in manipulating knives. Knives are her bestfriends.

Assassin N°5 (StaceyTham ):
Miroue, The Joker.
Uses different types of gases to execute her targets. Highly prefers the laughing gas.

Assassin N°6 (lemonTHEkitty ):
Kaeri, the bomber.
Excels in manipulating bombs. Laughs his ass off whenever one goes off.

Assassin N°7:
Sōnin, the marksman.
Excels in manipulating firearms. Prefers the sniper for silent executions.

Assassin N°8:
Haela, the bladeswoman.
Excels in the art of fencing. Is an expert swordsman and fights with a katana. Prefers making clean kills and will torture if necessary.

Assassin N°9:
Ræhk, the warrior.
Excels in one on one combats. Loves fighting and usually wins her fights by going berserk on the target.

Assassin N°10 (WattRUreadingthere ):
Morde, the trap artist.
Excels in setting up traps for his targets. Most of them are terrifying deadly.

Assassin N°11 (Batstroke ):
Chrono, the executioner.
Only uses his bare fists to sentence his targets to death. Prefers doing it quickly, by snapping his target's neck.

Assassin N°12:
Utah, Shockwave.
Has gloves that electrocute his targets to death. Is an expert in manipulating everything that is electric.

Assassin N°13 (VolmayLeblanc ):
Dekarr, the pyromaniac.
Only uses his flamethrower, loves burning his targets alive. Loves playing with fire.

So this is it,
These are my newly created assassins!
I'll make chapters for each of em.
Anyways, sorry for the lack of updates, been on some kind of writer's block.
Peace out peasants!

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