School's Over - My Thoughts

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// Media! Don't look at it now//

First off,
School's over!
And here are my thoughts.

School's over, no more homework, no more studying (as if I studied) and no more waking up extremely early (5-5:20 AM). I'm happy, of course. Who wouldn't be? I'm free to chose wether I wanna be lazy or productive.

Though there are still reasons to why I really enjoyed going to school. A first one is the fact that everyday, you get to see people who you highly enjoy seeing.  Wether it be the girl you like, your friends or a teacher you admire. Another is that school keeps you active everyday. It also keeps you productive constantly. Being productive is something I might have trouble doing during the summer. Lastly, you can be social. You can talk to anyone you like and normally you'll get an immediate response. During the summer, sure you can meet up with people, but it kinda gets complicated sometimes when the two subjects live far apart. Also, you can text whoever you like but sometimes they're occupied and you won't constantly get immediate responses.

So yeah. That's pretty much why I sometimes feel like I'd rather be at school than be at home doing nothing much.

For the Media,
This speech was recited by a well known man: Charlie Chaplin. He recited this speech in a theater piece called The Great Dictator. Charlie Chaplin plays the role of Hitler. This may be one of the greatest speeches ever created. Please listen to it.

That is all,
Peace out my beautiful peasants.

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