Chapter 108

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Third person POV

The three girls' sit in chair tied up side by side in an abandoned warehouse. Lilith and Crimson have everything they need in order to make the three girls' last hours a living hell.

Tessa, the blonde, looks around with confusion clear on her face that's until she lays eyes on Crimson and Lilith. Her eyes widen as Lilith smirks at her.

"Look who's finally awake." Lilith chuckles

"W-Why are we here?" Tessa stutters out as she looks at her two unconscious friends.

"You three made my life a living hell, started all the abuse I had to endure for ten fucking years. It was not only physical, it was also mental." Lilith says switch gritted teeth as Crimson hands her a pair of scissors, All the color from Tessa's face drains as she stares at the scissors.

"I was called terrible names, I dare not repeat. I've been killed multiple times before the age of ten. All because of you."

"I-I'm Sorry, I-I already apologized and w-what Do you want from us?" She stutters out as Lilith and Crimson roll their eyes.

"It's quite simple What she wants, she wants your blood." Crimson shrugs.

"O-Oh come on, let's be reasonable here! Y-You don't need to s-so harsh!" Tessa tries to reason but Lilith rolls her eyes again.

"It's time to pay for your sins." Lilith snarls before stabbing her thigh without thinking twice and Tessa bites back a scream.

"Very good, avoid many major organs and arteries." Crimson says

"I know, Crimson. This isn't my first rodeo. What should I do next besides stabbing her?" Lilith asks with a smirk.

"I recall you telling me that she pushed you down a flight of stairs, so why don't you snap her arms and possibly her legs?" Crimson suggests as he walks over to stand beside her as Tessa looks between the two with fear evident in her eyes.  Lilith smiles at Crimson.

"You always have the most wonderful ideas." She pecks him on the lips before putting her attention back on Tessa. Lilith grabs Tessa's arm and twists it until she hears a sickening crack. Tessa lets out a scream as tears run down her face.

"S-Stop please." Tessa begs as Lilith lets out a laugh before walking around to the other side of Tessa.

"That's funny coming out of you, I remember pleading for you and your two other friends to stop beating me. But what did you guys do? You just laughed in my fucking face and called me weak." Lilith says with gritted teeth before snapping her other arm, making Tessa scream louder than before.

"Please have mercy on me!"

"I'll have mercy on you when you're dead!" Lilith shouts as Tessa flinches back, tears continue to run down her face. Lilith grabs the scissors out of her thigh before stabbing her knee making her scream out again. Crimson hands her a scalpel and she smiles at him.

"Thank you." She says before running the scalpel down the side of her face, blood starts to flow out of the wound and run down her face.

"Stop! Leave her alone!" The Brunette, Claudia, shouts and Lilith whips her head towards Claudia with her brows raised.

"What did you just say to me?" Lilith asks as Claudia's eyes go to the bloody scalpel in her hand.

"I-I said to leave her alone. You're going to kill her." Claudia says as Lilith glares at her.

"That's the fucking point and if you don't keep your mouth shout I'll be sure you're next instead of Stephanie."

Claudia flinches back, Stephanie is still out cold. Crimson hands Lilith a pair of pliers and Tessa's eye widen.

"P-Please no." Tessa pleads as Lilith chuckles with a sadistic smirk on her face before she puts Tessa's front tooth in between the two jaw and she yanks it out without hesitation. Tessa lets out another scream, tears still pouring down her face as Lilith drops the pliers to the ground. Crimson hands hands her a chef's knife.

"Finish the job, but don't make it painless." He says as Lilith nods before driving the knife into Tessa's stomach, making her scream out in agony.

"You're getting off easy, Tessa!" Lilith shouts as she pulls the knife out of her stomach before driving it into her side.

"I-I don't want to die!" Tessa Screams out as Crimson rolls his eyes.

"Lilith said the same thing all those years ago before you three killed her." Crimson glares as Tessa screams again when Lilith drives the knife into her stomach yet again.

"I'm sorry!" Tessa screams before she starts to cough and blood comes out, making Lilith smirk.

"I know you are! Mustn't you forget that you're getting off easy. Don't make me change my mind." Lilith snarls before driving the knife into her abdomen. Blood coats Lilith's hand, as blood pours out of Tessa's wounds. Tessa coughs again and blood comes out again.

"That's a painful way to go, good job." Crimson says with a smile as Lilith looks over at him and smiles back at him, almost as if she's not killing someone.

"Thank you." Lilith says before driving the knife into Tessa's chest, making her let out a scream of pure agony as the life slowly starts to leave her ocean blue eyes.

"Tessa is getting off easy, but I can't say the same for you two!" Lilith shouts as she starts to stab Tessa repeatedly in the chest as the two other girls' look away from their best friend being tortured. Soon, Tessa goes limp and her eyes roll back. Blood pooling around her.

Hey loves, I'm sorry about the late update, I had a rough weekend and that prevented me from writing

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Hey loves, I'm sorry about the late update, I had a rough weekend and that prevented me from writing. I plan to edit this later as always. Next week's chapter is going to be much more graphic, so I'll be sure to put a warning at the beginning! Loves, I'm afraid this story is (very) slowly coming to it's end.

As I always say I'll see you guys next week!

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