Chapter 64

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Third person POV

The dead body falls to the ground and crimson smirks sinisterly before looking over at Albert who looks at him with shock evident on his face. Under the chocolate brown contacts is crimson's blazing blood red eyes. He looks around before his eyes land on Blondie and his smirk get more sinister if possible. Crimson walks towards him and blondie visibly swallows as he get's closer.

Crimson grabs Blondie by the collar of his shirt before pulling him down to his level. He leans closer to his ear so only he can hear

"If you ever hurt her- Me again, I'll put a bullet in your fucking skull." Crimson hisses, his voice is much deeper then Lilith's nearly as deep when he was alive. Blondie pales slightly but nods nonetheless. Crimson lets go of his collar before pushing him away with a snarl.

Crimson walks to Albert with his face void of any emotion making it look as if he's calm. But he's the complete opposite, he's fuming with rage.

"So Albert, you tried to punish me because I didn't follow instructions?" Crimson asks Rhetorically with his accent thick.

Albert stands up straighter, "Yes."

"Well you made a mistake punishing me, you know why?" Crimson asks as he bends down and grabs the whip off the ground before walking closer to Albert.

Crimson walks behind Albert with the whip still in his hand as everyone stares at him confused or warily at him.

Crimson quickly folds the whip in half before hooking it around Albert's neck and without warning he quickly kicks the back of his knees which causes him to slam onto his knees. Crimson puts on foot on his back to keep his upright before he starts to pull back strangling him. Albert's eyes widen as he grabs the whip and tries to get it off his neck.

"Fight all you want old man, you aren't going to break free." Crimson states with a snarl as Albert chokes loudly. Everyone is now staring at Crimson with wide eyes as Albert starts to turn red and starts to fight harder to break free.

"Do you want another mission?" Crimson asks Lilith while he pulls back harder on the whip.


"I want another mission." Crimson growls as Albert nods quickly and not even a minute later his eyes roll into his head. Crimson unhooks the whip before bending down to check if he has a pulse, which he does. Crimson shoves Albert to the ground and he falls face first.

Crimson stands in front of the whipping block and observes everyone and every little detail about them.

"So you like watching me get hurt?" He asks with a calm voice and from the corner of his eye he sees someone nod. Crimson looks at the person with his eyebrows raised.

"Why?" Crimson asks cocking his head to the side slightly

"Because you act like a hot shot and you can do anything."

Crimson rolls his eyes, "It's because I can do everything."

A snort is heard from the left of him and he whips his head that way with both his eyebrows still raised.

"Is something funny?" Crimson asks and a man with red hair and ocean blue eyes steps forward.

The red head chuckles loudly causing Crimson to glare at him. "Sure you're able to snap someone's neck with your bare hands but can you shoot a gun or throw a knife?"

'What a fucking idiot' Crimson thinks to himself before chuckling Darkly and he starts to approach the red head. "I can use any weapon and kill in every way imaginable." Crimson says as a smirk starts to form on his face.

When Crimson is in front of the red head, he grabs him by the throat as he did before. Crimson snaps his neck with on squeeze before letting go and the body falls on the ground.

"Anyone else want to die?" Crimson asks as he looks around everyone. No one even moves a muscle as they watch him in complete and utter fear that he'll kill them.

Crimson walks back over to the whipping block completely calm now. "I'm in charge here now, got it?" He asks loudly while everyone nods their heads agreeing with them and not wanting to make him go into another rage fit.

"Why are you in charge, because you killed a few men with your bare hands?" Someone asks while Crimson rolls his eyes before holding up on finger. He walks over to the person who was whipping Lilith before rolling him over with his foot. Assuming that everyone who works for Albert has a gun on them He quickly bends down before grabbing the dead man's gun from his holster.

Crimson walks back over to the block before checking that it's loaded which it is before cocking it. "You were saying?" He asks calmly as no one says anything.

"That's what I thought. You all need to learn to keep your mouth shut or else could get you killed." Crimson says as he glances at all the faces before landing on Blondies

"And you Blondie, need to learn how not to be a complete and utter douchebag when you're trying to teach someone something or making them do something. Got it, Bitch?" Crimson says while Blondie nods.

"Good because if you ever and I mean ever hurt me again, I'll put a bullet in your skull." Crimson states before turning his heel and walking towards the woods with the gun still in his hand.

Hey loves, An update on time for once! I plan to edit this tomorrow morning

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Hey loves, An update on time for once! I plan to edit this tomorrow morning. I'm sorry if some of this doesn't make sense, but how do you like the action? Do you guys prefer third person or First person, please comment which one you like better! For all those crimson lovers out there, The bonus chapter will be out soon and it is about Crimson!

As I always say I'll see you guys next week!

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