Chapter 62

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Lilith's POV

"If you fucking move I'll blow your brains out." I snarl as I tighten my finger around the trigger as he goes rigid.

"You won't do shit." The target scoffs.

"And why is that?"

"I doubt that you even know if it's loaded or not." He claims  and I roll my eyes.

"A full clip adds a pound, so it's fully loaded asshole." I snarl before I pull the gun away from his head only to slam it against the side of his head. His body goes limp.

I open the car door before getting out, I set the gun the roof of the car before opening the drivers side door and  grabbing the target and dragging him out.

I drag him around to the trunk before dropping his arm and opening the trunk. The lights come on there's two boxes. I pull one of the boxes and there sits rope, and all sorts of thing to tie a person up with. I dig through the box and find a white cloth with a giant red stain. Blood. I set the cloth back into the box before grabbing a few zip ties and a d to the target.

I bend down before rolling him over so he's on his back and I put his arms behind his back. I wrap a zip line over his wrists before tightening them as far as they possible be. This good for nothing, ignorant piece of trash deserves all the pain he's about to get.

I shut the the drivers door before slamming my foot on the gas and the car lunges forward. I threw the target in the back just like he did to me when he thought I was 'passed' out.  I take a left as I hear a ding from the left of me. I glance over and there sits a phone. With my left hand I grab it before turning it on.

"Lilith, don't text and drive. You may be immortal but you can still get into an accident." Crimson says and set the phone on my lap before pulling over.

I turn the phone back on and a message pops onto the screen. 'You got a girl tonight?' The text reads and I glance into the review mirror. 'Yep.' I reply and not even a minute later another message pops up on the screen, 'Is she hot?' I roll my eyes before typing, 'Hell yeah.'  That's one of the biggest lies I've ever said/typed in my life. I set the phone back in the passenger seat before I shift gears and drive away once more.

There's a loud groan from the back and I glance into the review mirror, the target is awake.

"What the hell happened?" The target asks and I smirk to myself.

"You fucked with the wrong girl." I snarl.

I pull up to a random abandoned warehouse and the target won't stop fucking whining about how the zip ties are to tight.

"They're to tight." He whines for the millionth time.

"That's the point." I state before grabbing the gun from the passenger seat and getting out of the car. I hear a click from the left of me and something or someone walking towards me.

"Brent! Where's the girl?!" A loud Russian man shouts and I quickly aim between his eyes.

"She's right here!" I shout before pulling the trigger and the man falls to ground as blood pours out of his forehead. A scream from the car is heard and I turn around with a smirk on my face.

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