Chapter 97

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Lilith's POV

Crimson shouldn't of reacted the way he did, He could have blown our cover and he might've. But, Oliver doesn't have any physical proof that I'm back. I understand that Crimson was angry because I was angry too, he just shouldn't have choked Oliver like that. But there's no denying that Oliver deserved it. He deserved to be choked, I have never seen that kind of rage from anyone before. It was like a switch had flipped in Crimson's head.

I set my keys onto the small hook in the large garage before walking into the castle. It's quiet most of the time, so that's nice. The only time that it's loud is when Xavier does something stupid that pisses Crimson off.

I walk into the kitchen only to see Crimson looking down at his phone as he leans against the counter. He looks up before turning his phone off.

"Hello, Love." He smiles. He's been calling me 'Love' a lot lately. Not that I mind, to be honest I love it when he call me it. It makes my chest feel warm every single time.

"Hey, How was your day?" I ask with a smile as he shrugs.

"Good, same as always. How was your classes today? Did you have any problems with any of the kids?"

"No fortunately, everyone in every class was well behaved today."

"Well that's good." Crimson bites his lip almost as if he's holding back something.

"Um-Do you want to go out tonight?" He asks as he pulls up his sleeve to look down at his watch. It's a tick of his, I noticed it a few months back. He usually does it when he's unsure of something.

"Sure, where will we be going?" I ask as he brightens up.

"You'll  have to wait and see."

"Anything specific I should wear?"

"You can wear what ever you want, I don't control you." Crimson shrugs.

"Okay, what time should I be ready by?"

"How about in an hour, if that's okay with you." Crimson says as I nod.

"That works, see you till then?" I ask as Crimson nods.

"See you in an hour, Love." He presses a quick kiss to my cheek before quickly walking away as I feel my heart rate quicken. I shake my head as a smile forms on my face. Crimson has also been doing little things like that a lot lately too and as I've said before, I don't mind at all, I love every second of it.

There's a sharp knock at my bedroom done, "Hey are you almost done?" Crimson asks from the other side.

"Yes, give me a minute." I say as I finish buttoning up my blouse that I bought a while back. It's a black with blood red dots all over, the color of the dots caught my eye when I was shopping for more casual clothes.

I open the door and Crimson has that smile that I love on his face but it falters when he's sees the blouse.

"Where did you get that?" He asks as he continues to stare at the dots with a weird face that I've never seen him make before with a look in his eye I've never seen before either.

"A couple weeks ago, why do you ask?"

"Change." He says his tone is sharp and demanding.

"What? Why?"

"Just change, Lilith. Don't ask questions."

"What? No, you said I could wear whatever I wanted, but suddenly I can't?"

"Lilith, Love, just changed or put something over your blouse." Crimson says as he stares at the floor.

"No, I'm not changing. I'm wearing this and that's the end of it." I say as I cross my arms. He can't tell me that I can wear whatever I want and then turn around and tell me to change.

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