Chapter 101

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Crimson's POV

"Very good, Benjamin. Onto your next challenge." Father's voice says before I'm back in the pitch black room. One down, hopefully two more to go. Father is unpredictable, there's a list of things that he could use against me. He knows so many things that would make me possibly fail all because he trained me .

"Your next challenge, Benjamin, is your greatest fear." Father's voice bounces off the walls as the walls start to fade into an all too familiar room. It's the throne room in the place I was raised in, my personal hell as I used to call it.

Soon people start to fill in leaving a perfect path way leading up to the  two thrones.  Everyone talks among themselves until the two large oak doors open and in walks...My father? He walks in with a crown on his head and a sadistic smirk on his face, I can't get a good look at his eyes but I'm guessing they're brown.  He's a wearing a classic black and white suit. How the fuck is this supposed to be my worse fear?

Father appears in front of me with a smirk on his face, "Benjamin, you may be wondering how this is your worst fear but take a closer at the person who sits upon the throne."

I roll my eyes, "Why would I bother? It's clearly you."

"That's where you're wrong son, that's not me. That's you Benjamin."

I feel myself freeze, he knows. I fucking knew it, he fucking knows that my worst fear is becoming like him. Even when I was younger, I was terrified that I was going to end up like him and I made it my goal to not end up with him. My goal came true, I never ended up like him, I became the person I am because of Lilith, she made me the person I am today.

"Get out of your head, Benjamin. This was going to be your future if you didn't die and weren't forced into Lilith's head." He says as I roll my eyes

"Sure and how would you fucking know that?"

"I know your potential, your power. You would have assumed the throne and rule just as you were trained. Now watch the show." He says with that annoying smirk before disappearing. I feel something wrap around my chest and it tightens as something cold presses against my back.what the fuck? I look down only to see that I'm being held by ropes. Ropes? Really? This is just pathetic.

The two large oak doors slam open and an all too familiar man walks in. It's Harriet, the past alpha of the blue moon pack. A shrill scream is heard from the door and soon a group of men drag a girl in, her long black hair covers her face, but it's obvious who it is. It's Lilith.

"Your royal majesty." Harriet bows as myself on the throne waves his hand dismissively as I turn my focus to Lilith, only to see her being shoved to her knees.

"What do you need, Alpha Walker?"

Harriet clears his throat, "The girl behind me is a traitor, she killed her own parents, then went on to kill her own brother along with a few pack members."

I see myself rise a brow, "And what does this have to with me? You better not be wasting my time."

"I want the traitor executed." Harriet says as I watch myself stand up from the throne before making his way towards Lilith who is glaring at him.

"Very well." He says as he reaches, he bends down as Lilith casts her gaze to the ground. He puts a single finger under her jaw before forcing her to look at him.

"Such a pretty face, shame it's going to waste." He says as he puts both hands on the sides of her head before snapping her neck without blinking. The sickening snap makes me flinch back. Lilith's body falls backwards as I fight against the ropes. I have to get to her, she's going to come back and I need to get to her before she does. The only true way to kill an immortal is to behead them and I can't let that happen.

"Let her go!" I shout but they don't even glance in my direction as something in my chest starts to ache. They're going behead her, they're going to kill her. They're going to find out that she immortal, I can tell that she doesn't have the strength to fight back. She's going to actually die.

Lilith sits up with a loud gasp as everyone around her takes a few steps backwards. 

"Interesting, an immortal. I've never seen one before."  He says before standing up and turns around to face someone I've never seen before.

"Ferrum nunc mihi." He says as the woman nods before quickly walking out of the room. He turns around to face Lilith with a cold sadistic smile on his. I fight against the ropes that hold me in place, he's going to behead her, he told that woman to get the sword in Latin. He spoke another language because he doesn't want to frighten her quite yet, I still do that because I find it entertaining to watch them relax thinking that they're safe and that no more harm is coming to them. But in reality, their life is about to end. It's fucked up, it's fucking with their head.

Lilith relaxes as she stares at the floor, she doesn't say a word to any of them. Good, she shouldn't say a word to those who want her dead.

The woman returns with a katana in her hand, she hands it over to him as Lilith looks up at him with wide eyes. He smirks at her as she pales, tears fill her eyes.

"Please don't..." She begs, her voice cracking as he raises the sword above his head.

"No can do, you're a traitor. You've betrayed your own pack, your own family. That is the worse thing you can do." He says emotionlessly as Lilith starts to sob, she knows. She know that this will kill her permanently. Something in my chest starts to ache again, she's going to die, die at my own hand. I can't take this, she's going to die. She's going to go into the void and I'll never see her again. How could I do this? This would have been me if I didn't die.

He brings sword and her head falls to the ground as a bile rises in my throat. Lilith's now decapitated head blinks a few times before Freezes. She's gone, Lilith's dead. All because of me.

Hey loves, I'm so so sorry about the late update

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Hey loves, I'm so so sorry about the late update. I've been horribly busy lately. I plan to edit this later tonight as always. I hope that you are healthy, especially with COVID-19 going around. If any of you guys are confused about as to why Crimson is blaming himself is because he's starting to think it's real.

As I always say, I'll see you guys next week!

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