Chapter 81

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Lilith's POV

I quickly scramble off his lap before watching the blaze. He literally just blew up a car.

"They'll think we're dead for now, but we have to go. Now." crimson gets up before holding a hand out for me to grab which I gladly grab.

"What are we going to do once we're out of the forest? They're going to have pictures of us all over."

"I'm not internally sure, but probably get a change of clothes first." Crimson shrugs before he starts to walk into the forest, I follow behind.

I saved his ass after they injected me with something and it ended up knocking him out. I killed all of those cops without breaking a sweat. I ripped their hearts out of their chests for what they did to Crimson and what they tried to do to me.

"How are going we going to leave the country since we're officially wanted, Criminals?" I ask as he glances over at me.

"I have a plan." Crimson lies, he's been doing that a lot lately. He thinks I never notice, but I always do. Always. He thinks that I didn't notice how he didn't know what to do while the cops were chasing us.

"Okay..." I trail off and I start to look around in the moderately dark forest it's beautiful. Absolutely breathtaking. It reminds me of when I was young, in that hell. God, I need to stop thinking of that place and them. I'm going to kill them both. Starting with my brother and then I'll torture Oliver-

Crimson snaps pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hey, I was asking you which country do you want to go to, are you okay?" Crimson asks with- what looks like to me-Concern, which makes me smile.

"I'm okay and what about Italy" I suggest because Italy is the first country that came to mind.

Crimson's eyebrows shoot up before he smiles so wide his dimple appears. "Wonderful choice, I was thinking that."

"Goo-" I start before tripping over a tree root and straight into his arms.

"Woah there," Crimson says as I feel my heart quicken and my cheeks start to heat up. He sets me back on my feet.

"Are you Okay,?" He asks again as I smile at him again

"I'm fine, thank you.

Crimson bites his lip almost as if he's debating something in his head. "In Italy, you can start art school again..."

"Really?!" I smile at him more the millionth time but this time he smiles back.

"Yeah, I know how much you love to draw even though you haven't done it in forever and it's your dream."

"It is, but what will you do?"

"Probably get a job, but I'll work out the details when it's time." He shrugs as the forest darkens. It must be later than I originally thought...

"There must be a town or city when we get out of here," Crimson says.

"Hopefully, now to occupy some time, tell me something that I may not know about you," I say, trying to make conversation.

"Well, the only reason I died is that I got cocky in the arena and a wold ripped my hand cleave off. So I laid on the ground and bled out."

I raise an eyebrow at him, "Really, well that explains the stitches around your wrist."

"Yep, I still remember how much pain I was in and the panic I felt."

"You were panicked?"

Crimson looks over at me, "I knew I was going to die and I didn't want to but I knew there was nothing I could do about it. So as I started to bleed out, I laid-more like collapsed-on the ground. I laid there in complete and utter agony as I was dying. When I had finally died, imagine my surprise when I woke up back in that goddamn arena in a whole nother body. That is one of my favorite days because that's technically when I met you." He smiles as my heart rate quickens again. He doesn't understand the effect he has on me.

"I remember that day like it was yesterday because that was the first time in my life that I felt unstoppable and powerful."

Crimson rolls his eyes, "You were already all that, all you needed was the confidence."

"You're right but wrong at the same time."

"Why's that?"

"You helped me kill Ava and Harriet. You helped me kill my enemies, the people who have hurt me. Without you, I know I would have never gotten that opportunity to do that."

"Right. Do you even remember why I was in your head?" Crimson asks arching a brow at me.

"No, not really..."

"Well, I was genetically put into your head. In other words, they cut me open when I was dead and drained as many genes/nucleases out of me and put them into you. You are the first to survive because my genes took over everything."

"That explains why I can't hear them anymore," I say referring to my other creatures that I nearly forgot about.

"Indeed, you are the first to survive because of your immortality, all from what I know, all the other test subjects had died on the first day because their bodies couldn't handle it."

"Interesting, off-topic question, but what are we going to do when it gets dark?" I ask as The sunset shining through the tree line.

"Make a fire, but that depends how cold it gets." Crimson shrugs casually as the wind starts to pick up.

"Okay..." I trail off, hopefully, the wind dies down before it gets cold.

Crimson tries to make a fire as I sit on the ground shivering. The wind hasn't died down, it's gotten worse.

"Goddamn it," Crimson mumbles loudly before sitting beside me.

"What are we going to do? We're-you're-going to freeze to death."

"We sleep for now and If you feel like you're going to die, you can hug me." Crimson says, sounding unsure about which word to choose.

"Okay, Goodnight then." I say as I lay back onto the cold hard ground before closing my eyes. Not to much later I somehow drift Into a peaceful sleep.

I wake up I don't know long it's been but I can tell Crimson is fast asleep beside me. I shiver as the cold, crisp wind blow. I slowly scoot scoot closer to him, The heat practically rolling off him. I'm so cold...

Fuck it. I scoot closer before wrapping my arm around him and I close my eyes. He's so warm.... I close my eyes before drifting back into sleep.

Hey loves, sorry about the late update

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Hey loves, sorry about the late update. I've been having some personal problems that have been preventing me from writing. But anyways, I intent to edit this later as always.

As I always say I'll see you guys next week!

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