Chapter 61

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Lilith's POV

I speed down the road, occasionally glancing at the review mirror to make sure I'm not being followed. I calmly take a left before adding more pressure on the gas causing the car to speed up more. God, there's so many things that I forgot.

"What did you exactly forget?" Crimson asks as I take a left.
"A gun, Money and a plan." I say

"Well, doesn't the target have a gun on him at all times?"

"I believe so but what about the money?"

"Did you forget that you have a wallet that you stole from a dead man which probably has a credit card in it."

"Thank you but I still have no idea about how I'm supposed to lure that bastard out of that club." I say as I glance into the review mirror before taking a right.

"Seduce him, he like to go after younger girls and you don't look a day over eighteen."

"I don't know how to seduce anyone." I state blandly before pulling into a random town.

"I know, I know. All you have to do is dress sexy and flirt with him."

"I can't flirt." I point out.

"Then you're going to need to learn how."

"What, are you going to teach me?" I ask with an eye roll.

"Looks like you're going to get a lesson about how to flirt and how to manipulate someone."  Crimson says and my eyes widen. Oh shit.

"Lesson one, The flirty smile..."

"...And that's how you Seduce someone."  Crimson says as I drive past a sigh that says 'Welcome to Los angels!' That little lesson Crimson gave wasn't so little, it lasted the whole drive here. I glance out of the passenger window only to see the bright blue ocean. God, I have always wanted to swim in the ocean when I was younger and I still kind of want to.

"You can but after the mission." Crimson says  as I put my eyes back onto the road.

I stand in front of a mirror in a gas station bathroom. My brown hair fairly long hair over my shoulder and my contacts stare back at me in the reflection.

"Take them out."

"Why?" I ask confused.

"If you keep your contacts in to long your eyes can get infected, which can make you go blind."

I let out a sigh, "But I can't get another pair, Crimson."

"You're in LA aren't you?" He asks rhetorically and let out yet another sigh

"You're right." I say before I take one contact out. I blink as I look into the mirror. My sliver eye makes the brown contacts look dull. So dull. I flick the contact before doing the same.

I clutch the counter a look at myself again. The red dress is to short and the v neck is to deep. I can't do this. I can't.

"You got this Lilith, just breathe." Crimson says and I do exactly that. I feel my shoulders relax slowly. I grab the keys and walk out the bathroom, my open toe heels clicking on my way out.

I walk into the club and the colorful lights blind me, the music is so loud. I walk through the crowd of people and I feel eyes on me. I look over my shoulder and nearly every guy in here is staring at me. I walk up to the bar before sitting down on a barstool. Not even a minute later a bartender comes up to me with a smile.

"What can I get for you miss?" He asks

"Whiskey." I say without thinking and the bartender nods before setting a glass in front of me and starts to pour a brown liquid into, which I assume is whiskey. I grab the glass and bring it up to my lips as the bartender walks away. I take a sip and it tastes smooth.   I swallow and the whiskey burns my throat and my mouth starts to feel dry.

A barstool gets pulled out beside me and a man sits down. I glance over and he has brown hair and pale eyes. 

"Can I buy you a drink?" He asks with a thick Russian Accent. It's him...

"Remember everything I taught you." Crimson says and I put a smile on my face.

"I would love one." I say and the target waves over and orders me another whiskey. The bartender smiles and pours me another drink before walking away.

"How old are you?" Target asks and I look him in the eye and force a smile.

"I just turned eighteen, what about you?"

"Just turned twenty." Target says and something through his eyes. He's lying.

"I'll be right back." I say before walking a good distance before watching him. He pulls out a small bag with a small white pill before taking the pill and putting in my drink. That bitch. I can't wait to kill him.

"Go back over and chug it before pretending to pass out."

"Okay." I say before walking back over and sit back down at the bar and the target smiles innocently but in his eyes is an evil glint.

"Sorry about that." I say with a fake smile and I pick the drink before quickly down it before I look at him forcing the look of sheer panic into my eyes and face.

"W-what's going on?" I say with a fake slur and not to much later I force my body to go limp. I hear a chuckle from beside me.

"Stupid girl." The target says before I feel my barstool being pushed out. I'm thrown of his shoulder before he starts to walk out. I slowly and carefully reach for where I assume his gun is. I grab it slowly out of the holster before he throws me into the back seat. I quickly open my eyes before cocking the gun. I close my eyes again as I hear the drivers door open. 

The car starts and sit up before putting the gun against his head.

"If you fucking move I'll blow your brains out." I snarl as I tighten my finger around the trigger as he goes rigid.

" Don't simply shoot him. Torture him Lilith, make the last hours of his life a living hell."

Author's note:

Hey loves, Sorry about the late update. I have been doing exams and my last exam is on Monday (Thank god) I also get out of school soon as well so the updates should get back to normal. I'm sorry that this chapter was boring and just terrible. I plan to edit and improve it tomorrow.

As I always say I'll see you guys next week!

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