Chapter 90

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Lilith's POV

I shake my head as I try to bite back a smile. My cheeks are on fire. Oh my god, we nearly kissed, if it wasn't for Xavier, we probably would have. Does this mean he could possibly have feelings for me? I start to walk in the same direction.

I look left and see and an empty hall, it's ready same to the right of me. Where the hell could those two went? It's oddly quiet.

"Come on out, Bitch! Crimson shouts soon followed by a scream. There they are. It came from one of the rooms from the hallway to the left of me. I quickly walk towards the room only to see Crimson holding Xavier by his foot as Xavier clutches on the bed frame . Xavier looks at me and his eyes widen.

"Lilith! Save me!" He shouts before Crimson practically throws him onto the floor.

"She isn't going to save you, dipshit." Crimson states as Xavier jumps to his feet before trying to run away. Crimson grabs the collar of his shirt quickly before pulling him back hard causing Xavier to slam on the floor. Xavier gets up and just looks at Crimson with a smirk before looking at me.

"Lay another finger on me and I'll tell her."

Crimson shrugs before looking me. "Do it and find out what happens." He says as Xavier walks past him and towards me.

"Bet bitch. Lilith, did you know that Mister Benjamin once was piano prodig-" Before Xavier can finish his sentence, Crimson has me by the hand is dragging me out of room quickly.

"I'll explain later." Crimson says looking over at me.

"Okay, is there a whiteboard in the conference room?" I ask as he raises a brow.

"I believe so, why do you ask?"

"You'll have to wait and see." I shrug as he leads me down a different hall.

I stand in front of a white board with a dry erase marker in my hand. I write Phase one boldly before turning around and looking at Crimson. Only to see him staring back at me.

"What's phase one?" He asks before I can explain.

"Phase one is the first step on making Oliver and Trenton lose their minds." I say as I turn and start to write on the board.

"I have to let them know that I'm back but not to the point if they run into me, they know I want them dead." I write on the board as I speak. There's a sound of a drink being poured behind me. I look over my shoulder only to see Crimson sipping on a glass with a brown liquid in, presumably whiskey.

"If you get drunk, you're not coming to help me." I state as Crimson rolls his eyes before setting the cup on the conference table.

"I don't plan to." He says as I turn around before continuing my plotting.

"Firstly we break into the pack house and take their most valuable items, you may be asking, how would that make them go insane? The two fuckers will look and look for the missing item. As the Albert Einstein has said, 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results' Hopefully they will look and look." I finish writing on the white board before turning back around only see Crimson nodding with the glass in his hand.

"I have questions." Crimson states before asking the questions.

"What happened to you not planning to get drunk?" I ask sarcastically as I help Crimson to his bedroom. This is the drunkest I've ever seen him.

"I don't know, Darling. It just happened..." He slurs, making his voice a little bit deeper then usual. He looks to the left and then back at me. 

"You're incredibly gorgeous, Lilith. But you're a different kind out Gorgeous, you're gorgeous inside and out." He says with a drunken smile on his face. I smile back at him as I feel my cheeks heat up.

"I'm flattered, Crimson. But you're not drinking anymore tonight."

"And why not?"

"Because you're already drunk and we have things to do." I say.

"Do what? Get revenge? That can waittt." He says still slurring his words.

"It cannot, I've waited nearly six years for this, Crimson." I say glancing over only to see him pouting.

"Okay, but I'm coming."

"I would love if you came but not while you're in this state." I say glancing over at him again only to see him already looking at me.

"What if I'm on my best behavior?"

"I'll think about, but you need to sleep it off. Why do you want to help?" I ask as I open his door with my foot before walking towards his bed.

"Because those sons of a bitches deserves everything that's coming to them and I want to help you murder those fuckers for what they did to you."  Crimson states as he sits on the bed.  I smile at him again. He is definitely going to help me torture them, but he cannot help me with this part of the plan despite how much I would love for him to. He's drunk and it's just to risky.

"You swear a lot, why's that?" I ask changing the subject, I already know the answer. I'm just asking to try and get his mind off of alcohol . Crimson shrugs as I look into his red eyes. They're cloudy and slightly glazed over.

"Because it's fun, I like to swear."

"I figured as much, just get some sleep." I say as Crimson shakes his head.

"I don't want to, I want more Alcohol." He says as I sigh.

"You can either drink until you black out or you can sleep and help me. It's your choice." I say as Crimson bites his lip, probably debating the options.  This may be the drunkest I've seen him but usually he can handle his liquor, which means I've never seen him get black out drunk.

"I think I'm going to drink more." He says before getting up and walking out of the room almost without a problem. What the hell? A few minutes ago he couldn't walk in straight line, now he's almost walking perfectly.

Crimson laughs loudly at a joke that Xavier made. It was about how he should change his last name to Dover, so he could be call Ben Dover. Or something along those lines. They're both drunk but Crimson is absolutely wrecked. I glance at the clock and it reads One A.M on the dot.

"I've got to go start Phase one." I say as I stand up and Crimson tries to do the same but nearly falls over.

"I'm coming." He slurs as I shake my head.

"You're too drunk." I say as he frowns before stumbling over to me.

"Okay, be safe." He says before planting a sloppy kiss on my cheek.

I smile at him. "I will, I'll be back within an hour." I state as he nods. I grab the keys out of my pocket before making my way towards the Garage.

Hey loves, I'm sorry about the late update

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Hey loves, I'm sorry about the late update. It is late because I just wasn't satisfied with it and still am it. Which is the reason I plan to edit later tonight. I hope you all had a good Christmas!

As I always say I'll see you guys next week!

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