Chapter 60

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Lilith's POV

"Fuck You, Blondie!" I shout as I feel my eyes go red under the contacts, I hate him, I hate him so fucking much. I want his blood on my hads. Now. I start to follow behind him with a snarl, I'm going to rip his heart straight out of his chest.

"As Much as I would love for you to kill him, you can't. Not now at least. You can kill him later, Hell you can torture him, just not now. " Crimson says and I stop dead in my tracks.

"And why not?"

" You want to complete your training, Don't you? " He says and I let out a sigh.

"I do."

" I assumed you did, that's why you have to demand for your first mission. "

"Who do I ask? Blondie the douche won't give me it." I start as I turn my hee and start to walk towards the barracks.

"I believe his name is Albert, also known as the man who have you the card to this place."

"Where would I find him?" I ask.

" Probably somewhere around here, have you been looked around the area? " Crimson asks as I near the plain brick barracks.

"I haven't."

" Then look around. " Crimson says

"Okay." I say before turning left, Albert-or whatever his name is- Better be here.

I look up to the sky as the sun goes down, I've been looking around this area and it's huge. I stop in a middle of a field with perfectly trimmed grass with a house in the middle. There's guards standing at the door armed with what I believe is m-16's.

"That's probably where he is." Crimson states and I nod before walking closer. The guards head whip towards me before aiming their guns at me

"State your purpose at once!" One shout and I notice his finger tightening around the trigger.

" That's an automatic, if they shoot you there's going to be a about one hundred bullets that go into your body, you better think fast. " Crimson says as I glance at the other one and notice the same thing, his finger tightening around the trigger. I lunge at him at without second thought.

I send a roundhouse kick to his head causing him to fall to the ground and throwing his gun. I quickly lunge for the gun before even gets the chance. I stand back up with the rifle and I'm is met face to face with the other one,who's pointing his gun at me. I quickly aim between his vibrant blue eyes.

"Who's going to shoot first?" I ask as I tighten my finger around the trigger.

"Me." He says with a cocky smirk.

"Wrong." I smirk before pulling the trigger. He falls on to his back as blood starts to pour out of the bullet wound. I turn back around, towards the one who I stole the gun from. He sits on the ground staring up me with his bright green eyes with fear.

"Where's Albert?" I ask as I aim between his vibrant green eyes.

"Inside." He says, his voice shaking in fear. I pull the trigger without thinking and he falls on to his face as blood starts to surround his head.  I quickly walk over to the door before knocking it in and walking through.

I walk down a long hall, I've checked every room to make sure there weren't anymore armed men, which there weren't.  I kick open the door and there sits Albert, doing paper work.

"Blake,what were those gun shots?" Albert asks not looking up.

"I'm not Blake and those shots were me." I say and he looks up quickly 

" Vivian, nice seeing you, what can I do for you? " He asks with a warm smiling, his attitude Changing.

"I want my first mission."

" Okay. " Albert says with a shrug before skidding me a folder. I pick it up, I'm surprised that I didn't have to argue with him.

"The mission needs to be done by tomorrow."   He says before going back to his paper work.

"Okay." I say with a sky smirk, I can't wait to kill after all these years. I walk out with the folder in my hand. 

I step over one of the two bodies before finally opening the folder.

Target: Bret Michaels,

Apart of the Russian mafia and is dangerous. He is usually at the Croaker club in Los Angeles    He always carries a fully loaded Glock G43. Sex traffics young girls from an unknown group of people for cash. Pulls young girls off the street to traffic from the age of 13 to 18, Target must be eliminated by a single shot to the head, on the wall with his fresh blood write, 'Your sins cannot be forgiven, I'm coming for you all.'  Make sure you leave no traces that you were ever there, Agent.

Good luck, Agent.

I shut the fold before walking back over to one of the dead bodies. I roll one over before digging in his pockets. Not to long later I have a pair of keys, wallet and A phone. I walk in the direction where I assume I came from.

I walk up to a white Dodge Challenger. I hit unlock before walking over to the drivers side and getting in. I insert the key before shifting the car into drive. I slam my foot in the gas before turning the wheel hard. The car spins around before I straighten the wheel and I start speeding away.

"Los Angeles, California is one hundred miles away, take a left in 5 and half miles." A robotic voice rings through the car causing me to jump before smirking.

      Watch out Bret Michaels, I'm coming for you and your head.

Author's note;

Hey loves, I'm so so sorry for not updating the last week. The reason I didn't update is my phone broke, also known as the thing I write with. Since last Wednesday, I have been stressing myself out about getting an update out for you guys. But I obviously found a way, I've been walking to my near by library everyday after school. But don't worry, the updates will return to normal from this point forward, sorry again Loves.

I'll see you guys next week!!!

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