Chapter 42

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Lilith's POV

Two hunters grab my arms before pulling me away from them. The hunters standing in the way clear a path for us. I can feel their eyes burning the back of my head.

When we finally reach the car. The hunter on my left lets go and open the car door. The hunter on the right shoves me into car. I roll my eyes and scoot so I'm by the window. They pile into the car once I'm seated. I gaze out side of the window. Blood covers the ground. I look down at my hands quickly and notice both my hands are caked in blood. I glance down and notice my covered in blood. My clothes are covere in blood as well.

I watch out the window as the trees pass by. I sigh. I'm back at square one. But this time I came by chose. Penny...I forgot about Penny!

"Penny will be fine. That cat survived once without an owner it can survive again" Crimson says.
I let out a sigh of relief before putting my focus back on the passing trees.

I must have fallen asleep sometime during the ride because the two hunter grabs my arms and pull me roughly out of the car. I almost fall to the ground but they pull me up and start pulling me to a jet. I sigh and let them pull me to the jet. As I step onto the jet I feel something smash against the back of my head. I fall to the ground. I stare up at the celling. I feel the blood start to pour out of my head. As I stare up at the celling Black dots invade my vision. The memories.

I awake up with a kick to the side. As I said before the memories. I sigh and stand up. One of the hunters grab my arms and start pulling me out of the jet. I look toward a the other hunter who just snarls at me. I shot him a glare before putting my attention back on to what's going to in front of. Which is nothing.

We walk up to another car and the hunter shoves me in roughly. I shoot him a glare before I leaning my head against the window.

We have finally arrive in hell. Nothing has changed everything is almost the same. Same old dirty building surrounded by trees. It looks completely innocent. But connected to the building an arena and in which you fight for your life. The hunter coutine to drag me to hell.

They drag me through the cell filled hallway. People sit silently on the wall looking at the ground. J glace down at the floor and its completely dirty and blood stains. The unlock a cell and throw me in before shutting the door. I get up off the floor and lean against the wall. I close my eyes before glaring to my right.  I look to my left and see a girl with black hair with faded red tips. Her hair covers one of her eyes. She must of felt my eyes because she looks my way before glaring.

“what are you looking at” She snaps her eyes become a neon Orange. Oh a party trick! I roll my eyes before looking away.

"Stupid hunters set a bitch in the cell next to me” She mutters under her breath. I look at her once again and arch an eyebrow.

“Aren't you a bitch?” I ask. She looks at me. Her eyes aren't blazing Neon anymore.

“No my wolf left and it’s a good thing she did” She snapped loudly

“That's a pity.” I roll my eyes again.

“Like you're any better!" She snaps at me again her eyes blazing Orange once more.

“You're Quite the angry one aren't you?" I smirk.

“Being in here will do that to you if you haven’t noticed” She scarasm dripping from her words.

“I know, this is't my first time here” I say before sighing.

“Sorry about snapping I’ve been here three years most people here are bitter” She says before her eyes change into an icy blue.

“I was in here for three years. Then I escaped Killing everyone in my path.” I shrug. It's also my fault Breanna is dead. I should've let crimson take control and save her. "It's not your fault, she's in a better and much happier place now." Crimson says. I put my focus back to the girl with faded red tips. The girl sighs.

“I would do that but I need to gain strength first so does Titus”

“If you fight in the arena and if you win. You get a steak.”  I say ignoring what she said before.

“ Thats not how things work anymore sadly they just give you hay to sleep on for winning now” The girl says without a hint of emotion in Her voice. I roll my eyes

“I'm sure if you get a winning streak they'll give you some type of food.” I roll my eyes. If they don't give me Some Sort of reward Ill start bringing hearts back and eating them.

“Yeah if you prefer leftovers” syxela scoffs in disgust

“It's better then nothing.” I point out. I would take leftovers over a heart any day of the week.

“Wow I couldn’t have noticed” She says stunned beofore speaking again. "But they don’t feed me because there testing me”

My eyes widen. Oh no. That explains the whole eye thing. But why are they doing again. I make my face go slack. My cell door open and a different hunter comes in. The hunters grab me and start pulling me. I know where I'm going. The Arena.

I stand in the center of the arena. The cheers from all around are defining. “Our Champion Has returned!” I roll my eyes at this. The sound of a cage opening is all hear over the cheers. I look to my left and see what I believe a wolf coming out. It snarls at me. I roll my eye and look away. The beast starts walking over.

The beast stands in front of me. Double my size. I just stare up at it bot fazed even the slightest. I feel my eyes turn red. I cock my head the side waiting for the beast to attack me. The beast starts circling me. Snarling once and awhile. Once its standing in front of me I plunge my hand into its chest and pull its heart. It beats in my hand.  Once more caked with fresh blood. I sigh in disappointment. Why don't they ever fight back?

Two hunter grab my arms and starts dragging me back to my cell. I clutch the heart in my hand as they drag me along.

Hey loves, Sorry about the late update I've been sick lately so I've been sleeping a lot

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Hey loves, Sorry about the late update I've been sick lately so I've been sleeping a lot. I plan to edit this later on tonight.  Anyways Thank you all for 90k reads! I love you all!

I'll see you guys next week!

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