Chapter 99

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Lilith's POV

Bullets fly past us, seconds after Crimson killed Lucifer. Shit, I quickly grab my gun before I start shooting as more bullets speed pass me.

"We need to spilt up and take out as many as we can out." Crimson says a bullet barely misses him, all the guests have fled the room.

"Good idea." I run across the ballroom as more bullets miss me. I kick a table over before hiding behind it as I hear bullets hit. Bullet after bullet. I stand up before taking aim at the closet one to me before pulling the trigger. He falls over with a hole on the side of his head. I quickly turn my attention to the others in front of me, only to see half of them have their guns trained on me and the other half have their guns on Crimson. There has to be at least fifty people with their guns aimed at us in total. Shit, that's probably at least twenty-five guns at each of us. We're fucked, I don't think there's enough bullets to take them all out.

I start shooting as many as I can and suddenly my gun, stops. I pull the trigger and there's just a click, nothing happens. I'm not out of bullets, I put a new clip in not even five minutes ago. I pull the trigger again and the same thing happens, just the same click as before. It's has to be jammed, that's the only logical explanation. I don't have time to unjam it, it takes too long.

More bullets wiz past me as I shoot the gun I took from one of the corpses, it was the closest body to me that had a gun. But the bad part is that it's different from my previous gun, it takes a different bullets, a different clip. Once the clip is empty I either stay behind the table or take the risk of grabbing another gun off one of the bodies. It's too much of a risk, if I get shot and die, Crimson dies too.

I throw my gun at one of the men shooting at his and it hits him square on the forehead, he falls to the ground with a thump, there's only about five left. Only five, we've managed to take down forty five men and women who were trained to killed, mainly because of Crimson.

Suddenly I feel something seep through my dress, I look down only to see a dark red spot growing. Shit, I whip my head over to Crimson only to see him holding his side as blood starts to go through his fingers as he shoots down the rest before his body jerks back and then again. I soon feel more blood seep through my dress as I watch in complete horror, Crimson falls back with his gun falling away from his grasp.

I start to run over to him before I fall as a metallic taste fills my mouth before I cough hard as I feel blood run down my chin. Shit, I need to get to him. I try to stand but I can't. I try again but I can't, fuck. I look over to him only to see him already looking me with blood rolling down his chin.

"Lilith..." He chokes out weakly as more blood comes out. I need to get to him, I start to crawl as black dots invade my vision, no. I can't die, if I die, Crimson dies. God, I'm so useless.

I soon reach him and he grabs me hand weakly and smiles, blood covering his teeth.

"Lilith, My sweet Lilith..." He says before coughing and more blood comes out as the light starts to leave his beautiful eyes.

"Don't say anything, save your breath." I say as he tries to shake his head.

"I'm dying, love. I don't know how long I have left but, Lilith. I-I love you, I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry " He chokes out as tears cloud my vision. He reaches his bloody hand up my cheek, still smiling with agony in his eyes.

"You can't leave me." I choke out.

"I don't want to Lilith, but it's my time, I'm a deadman, I've been a dead man since the day I've met you, I've cheated death once and I can't do it twice. Thank you for making me the best person that I could ever be.-" He pauses to wheeze as blood starts pouring out of mouth. He can't leave me, he can't die on me. He can't...

"I love you, Don't you ever forget that." His hands soon slides off my cheek as his eyes roll back and he stops breathing. A tear slides down my cheek as I struggle breathe. He's gone, the man I love is gone and he will never know how much I love him back.

"Crimson, Benjamin, I love you too, I-I love you with all my heart." I choke out, I don't care that he can't hear me, I have to get it off my chest. I cough hard but nothing comes out, it feels as if I'm being suffocated. Soon, my eyes roll back and I'm met by blackness.

Soon I appear in the all to familiar field. I look around and it's just empty and silent. I stand up before I start walking. I soon come across a chair, the chair that he would always sit in when after I died. He's gone...The man I love is gone...

I fall to my knees, as tears rise in my eyes and they soon start to fall as a sob rips through my chest. Crimson is gone, he's dead, that means that I'll never hear his voice again, never be able to touch him again, never look into his breathtaking red eyes, and I'll never be able to see that smile of his again. A scream tears through me, I can't live without him but I can't die, I'm going to live on for millennia's' without him all because I'm immortal. I can't live without him, I don't know how to. Crimson has always been there for me, but now he's not, I can't go on without him.

Hey loves, I'm sorry, it pained me to kill him, it really did

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Hey loves, I'm sorry, it pained me to kill him, it really did. I cried when I wrote Crimson's death because I'm so attached to him and I understand how some of you may feel. But I plan to edit this later tonight as always.

As I always say, I'll see you guys next week!

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