Chapter 104

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Crimson's POV

I'm in a coffin, a fucking coffin. Oh my god, I'm going to die again, I'm just going to fucking suffocate and go back or just go into the void. I feel around the coffin before putting my hands to the top of it. I push up, I have to at least try to get out. It obviously doesn't budge because well, I'm underground. Shit, shit, shit. I'm going to die again. I take a deep breath, I need to calm down. Panicking will make things worse and I need to think rationally. I have maybe four, five hours in here until the oxygen runs out and I suffocate.

My chest tightens as I kick the top of the coffin. I need to get out, I can't die. My hands start to shake as I take a deep breath to try and calm down. The coffin starts to close in on me as I feel my heart start to pound in my chest. Breath, Benjamin. Breathe. I force myself to take a deep breath. The coffin isn't closing on in me, I'm okay. I'm going to be okay.

The sound of something tapping the coffin makes me jump a little bit before kick the top of the coffin open and it pop opens. Holy shit, I sit up while holding it only to hear a shrill scream. I look up only to see a man looking at with frighten eyes.

"Z-Zombie." He stutters out as I crawl out of my grave, dirt going all over me as I pull myself onto the solid green grass.

"Not quite." I shrug as he sprints away from me. I force myself to my feet before chasing after him. He could create a number of problems if he tells people that he saw a 'Zombie.' Crawling out of a grave that he dug up.

The man trips over a stick and just lays there before looking at me, fear evident in his eyes.

"H-Have mercy on me." He stutters out as he stares at with sheer fear in his eyes.

"I appreciate you digging up my grave but why?" I ask as his eyes almost automatically go to the watch on my wrist.

"Y-You're the son of Lucifer, the devil himself. I-I guessed that you would have something valuable on you-"

"So you were  basically going to rob me? That's unacceptable and a little bit pathetic." I sigh at the end, of course someone would rob a grave for some valuables.

The sound of a horn rings through the crisp and cold air as I freeze. I know that sound from anywhere, it's the coronation horn. What the hell? I bend down before plunging my hand into his chest. He lets out a scream before I pull his heart out of his chest. It beats in my hand for a moment before I drop it. Gross. before running in the direction of where the noise came from. No one is taking my crown, no one. I went through relentless torture for this, for Lilith. All I have to do is ascend the throne and rule over hell. That's all and I'm not about to let this be ripped away from me.

Luxury Cars are parked all over Xavier's large driveway. I sprint through the door and everything is silent, not a single person is seen. It is a coronation, Holy shit, I'll kill who ever I have to get the throne, my throne. I stop in front of two large oak doors, there's two men standing at each side. They don't even look at me.

I grab one of the handles before throwing the door open. There's hundreds, possibly thousands of people here. All crowded by the door. Fuck. I push my way through them and some point they clear a path for me.

I stand in the front row only to see a crown being removed from Lilith's head. She's giving the crown up and away to someone. A blond male walks past me wearing a suit. He glances towards me but not at me. I recognize him instantly, it's Sebastian. My brother, my younger brother. He's taking the throne, my throne. He kneels in front of the elderly man who took the crown off of Lilith's head. He's not taking the throne, not on my fucking watch.

"Iactis mihi gladium." I say under my breath as another throwing knife appears in hand. I quickly walk into the isle before throwing the knife. The knife whizzes past Lilith and goes straight into the Elderly man's shoulder, making him drop the crown.

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