Max POV:
We got up and walked into the my room, I sat on my bed and Tyler sat next to me.

Max-"I really am sorry for hiding this from you. But I knew if I told you sooner, you probably would've flipped even more. I hope your not mad at me for hiding your son from you. But since I've left, all it thought about is you, and seeing Kians eyes, reminded me of you. I missed you, and i hope you take me back."
Tyler-"I of course forgive you.. you are my everything, and I want to be in my sons life. Trust me, I'm here to stay, we will work out no matter what happens. I've missed you my love, I can't wait to raise my son with you."
Max-"I love you."
Tyler-"I love you too.."
Max-"I won't leave again..l
Max-"Yes, but can we take things slow..? I'm scared coming back to reality, and I don't think I really wanna be seen with you yet."
Tyler-"I understand, fake as much time as you need."

Tyler POV:
She hugged me and it felt so good to have her in
my arms, I've missed my princess. She was my everything, and now that I have a son with her is 10x better. I loved Max with every ounce of my heart, she's was the one for me. When she was gone and barley talking to me, I blamed it all myself. But I'm so glad she's with me, I can be with my son and be with Max. We went back to the room and everyone wanted to hold Kian.

Andrea-"Max how old is Kian?"
Max-"4 months."
Mikey-"Jeez HES big already."
Colby-"I wonder how he is gone be when he grows up."
Sam-"Same, like will he be cool and bad like Max or quiet like Tyler."
Andrea-"I have a good feeling he's gonna be like Max ."
Tyler-"Honestly I want him to be like Max, she's fun and everyone loves being around her."
Mikey-"Yeah but she gets in trouble a lot."
Colby-"Can't wait till he goes to jail."
Andrea-"You took Max away from us, now who am I gonna party with?"
Max-"I miss LA partying."
Sam-"Parties haven't been the same since you left. Like they are fun but not as fun."
Colby-"We should have a party."
Max-"I don't know if I'm ready to go out tho... I haven't been in the public eye for a year. People probably won't wanna see me."
Tyler-"Max I get DMS about you everyday, wondering if your ok. We know they miss you."
Colby-"On all of our posts half the comments are about you."
Mikey-"I know and I don't even post."
Andrea-"You'll be fine tho, a lot of people miss you."
Sam-"Have you wrote any new music tho?"
Max-"Yes! Wanna hear some of it."
Andrea-"Please I miss your voice."

Max POV:
We got up and walked to the studio, the studio was downstairs in the basement. I've spent a lot of time creating and writing music, for the past year. I wrote over 15 songs but I was only gonna release 9 on my new EP.

Max-"Okay this one is called scissor hands."

Colby-"That sounds really good."
Andrea-"Dude you are amazing."
Mikey-"Lemme listen to the rest."
Max-"Nah, but can I talk to Colby privately please?"
Tyler-"Yeah well go upstairs."
Max-"Thank you."

Colby-"What do you need to talk about?"
Max-"I missed you."
Colby-"I missed you too. And listen I'm really sorry for what I did, i was dru-."
Max-"Colby it's ok. I get you were defending me but I'm not mad at you. I still love you but we should just stay friends."
Colby-"I agree, but are you and Tyler together again?"
Max-"No, I just told him we need to take it slow, I'm not ready to be in a relationship again."
Colby-"O okay good."
Max-"But I wanna go back to LA, I miss everyone there, and I especially miss partying."
Colby-"We can all go back tomorrow if you want."
Max-"Yes please, I'll tell Dana to start packing."
Colby-"Whose Dana?"
Max-"My assistant and babysitter."
Colby-"Ooooh okay."
Max-"Let everyone know we are leaving tomorrow."

                                  Next morning...
I took a different Jet then everyone else, only me, Dana and Kian took this plane, and everyone else took a different Jet. They landed an hour ahead of me, and we had just landed. We quickly got in the car and went to my moms house, my room and everything was still the same. All my clothes were still there and all my makeup, I missed all my clothes, I kinda had to restart everything. Everyone was already at the house and they were all chilling, i was in my room doing my makeup and getting ready for tonight. We were all going out for dinner. Dana and Kian were staying home, because I didn't want people to find out I had a son yet. I didn't want him to be all over the news and I didn't want me the news yet either. I didn't wanna be shamed for having a child and then hiding it, i was scared. So it was best to hide Kian for now until he gets a little older. I was done getting ready and we got in the car, we got to where we were gonna eat and it was peaceful.

Jake-"So Max did you miss LA?"
Max-"Yes, but it was kinda nice not being in the public for awhile. Maine is so pretty, and since I'm by the ocean it's way better."
Corey-"I know, Colby told us about the house. It looks so nice there."
Tyler-"We saw dolphins."
Jake-"I should've went but Tara had to get her wisdom teeth out so I had to take care of her."
Max-"I miss Tara."
Jake-"She was gonna come but she got sick yesterday."
We continued to talk and then our food came out so we ate, the food was so good. After we were done eating, I paid for everyone, and then we all went our separate ways. Except Colby and Tyler, they wanted to spend some time with Kian. Definitely Tyler, he was so in love with Kian and it was cute.

Dana-"How did dinner go?"
Max-"It was amazing!"
Dana-"Thats good."
I picked up Kian, and took him to the kitchen.
Dana-"I forgot to give him his medicine."
Max-"It's ok, I'll do it. Where did you put it."
Dana-"It should be right by the coffee."
I grabbed his medicine, and he drank it like nothing. Tyler took Kian away from me, and Me, Colby and Dana were all talking.

Dana-"Were you nervous for tonight?"
Max-"Yes. I was sweating."
Dana-"Was their paparazzi?"
Max-"No thank god tho."
Colby-"Max we aren't as famous as you. We don't get paparazzi."
Max-"Yeah but still, word gets around quick."
Dana-"True and now that we are in LA? Im surprised you haven't been recognized."
Colby-"Well you did cut your hair so it might take a little longer for people to recognize you."
Dana-"Are you going out tomorrow?"
Max-"Yeah, Colby is throwing a party. Take the day off and party with us."
Dana-"Whose gonna watch Kian?"
Max-"My mom, shes been begging to watch him, Plus Mason wants to play with him."
Dana-"Okay I'll come tomorrow! I need a few drinks."
Dana-"Your not drinking a lot tho. You can have 3 whatever and your done."
Max-"I don't really wanna drink much anyways." I play on being in bed by 1."
Colby-"Good. Your a momma now so you can't have much fun."
Max-"Yes I can. I'm still a bad bitch."
Colby-"You wish."
Max-"Well Imma go spend some time with Tyler and Kian, I'll see you guys in the morning."
Colby-"Okay. I'll text you."
Colby-"Goodnight love you."
Max-"Love you too."

Unexpected Feelings...With a Twist||Tyler Manfs love storyWhere stories live. Discover now