Third Chapter of The Sequel- That You Need Your Distance (Karry)

Start from the beginning

'Thats um... weird'.

'Tell me about it. Oh and Lucy got a dog the other day and called it Cornflake.'

'Cute dog?'

'Really really cute'.

'Um Harry can I ask you something?'

'You just did'.

'Haha, not funny. What I wanted to ask you is why is your hair sticking up like a mohawk? Are you ok? Did you get electrocuted?'

His normally curly hair was straight and sticking up in all different directions.

'Well, you see, Niall is considering becoming a hairdresser and I just happened to be his first victim.'

'Oh no, are your beautiful curly locks going to be ok?'

'They will never be the same' he said sadly then he smiled.

'You should see Liam, Niall wanted to test his skills with hair dye!'

'Oh my God, what does it look like now?'

'Well, let's just say Liam does make a very attractive blonde'.

I started laughing and couldn't stop until I was in tears.

I looked at Harry and he smiled at me before looking off to the side guiltily.

'What?' I asked him, my laughter dying in my mouth.

'I think we should just stay friends' he said quietly.

I was frozen. What!! What does he mean by that? That he doesn't want to be with me any more?

'What do you mean?' I said, my voice barely more than a whisper.

'I don't know...' he said as he ran a hand through his spiky hair.

'Its just, its just that it's not the same, just talking to you over the computer. I want to be with you all the time but I can't. You deserve someone who can be with you all the time. Do you know what I mean?'

I nodded, unable to speak.

'Its not that I don't love, I do, but it's just easier on both of us if were just friends'.

'Yeah ok' I said dryly.

'Look I gotta go but I'll talk to you tomorrow, ok'.

'Yeah, see you tomorrow' I said and I shut the laptop.

That was when the tears came. I'm not a massive crier, I very rarely cry and I guess this is just one of those times when I just let it all out.

How could he do this to us? I don't mind doing the whole distance relationship but I guess he does. I bet you there's some English chick that he's fallen in love with and I'm in the way of the two of them being together. Don't talk like that Katie, he's not like that.

Or is he, another voice inside my head said. I mean, how much do you really know about him?

I curled up into a ball on my bed and cried until my mum came in to tell me it's dinner time.

September 2013

I walked with Ellie through the airport.

'Are you alright?' I asked Ellie as we neared the gate.

'Yeah I just don't want to be here that's all. What about you?'

I sighed. 'I don't know, I do want to see him again but I don't know, it just won't be the same as it was before'.

'At least he probably wants to see you where as I recon Zayn wants to see me just as much as I want to see him which is not a lot I must say' she said sourly.

I laughed dryly. She started to walk away from me, probably heading back to the car or something. What he did to her was terrible, I can understand why she wouldn't want to be here. This is really awkward for me too. After Harry said that he wanted us to just be friends, I hadn't heard from him much.

'Boo!!' I heard someone say behind me, as they grabbed my shoulders.

I turned around startled.

'Oh my god Jessie!!' I said giving her a hug. 'What are you doing here?'

'Ive come back for a visit. Why aren't you throwing yourself at Harry? Huh.'

'Its complicated I said, turning away from her.

'Yeah so's defusing a bomb, what's up between you two?'

'Well...' I started to say but I was interrupted by one of the security guards coming up to us.

'You girls are to come with us' he said.

'Why? Have we done something wrong?' I asked.

I made sure there were no scissors in my bag before I left home.

'No no no its just easier if we take you guys away from all of this' he said gesturing to the crowd. There was still a big crowd gathered around us but I had stopped noticing the noise.

We followed the security guard to a door near the entrance to the gate. He opened the door and gestured us inside.

The only people inside were Harry, Claire and Louis. My eyes went straight to Harry. He looked almost exactly like he had last year. He smiled at me and I smiled back at him. I actually am glad to see him.

He gave me a quick hug then pulled away.

'How have you been?' he asked me.

'Not too bad, you?'

'Pretty good, it's good to see you again'.

'Its good to see you too.'

Our convocation died out in an awkward silence.

The door opened with a bang.

'Guys we can't find Niall' one of the security guards said in a rush.

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