[Comfortable company] Delta Akane

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[A/N; I love Delta so much...


As promised, more Delta! This is p short tho..

By the way. Yes, I'll be writing for the Sparking/Superking versions of the characters as time goes on! I just need some time so I can get familiar with the changes to their character if there's any. :') ]

[Word Count; 771]


Celebrating with the rest of Victories made you the sleepiest ever, so you took a small nap alongside Drum.

Hours later, you finally woke up.

Upon sitting up, you noticed Amane training arduosly. That made you smile.

"Hi Amane, still training?" You say, making him jump from how sudden it was.

"(N-Name)!? Oh, you're awake." Amane clears his throat, a bit embarassed from the fact that you startled him so easily. "Yeah, I want to get much stronger." He grins.

"Of course, Ashura and you can get much much stronger!" You give him a thumbs up, before looking down at your lap. "Drum's still asleep." You point out, your eyes not leaving your cousin's cute sleeping face.

"Yeah, that guy's probably exhausted from today's battle." Amane sighs, but he begins smiling. "Victories has become much stronger thanks to those two, I can't fall behind Drum and Delta."

"Delta." You repeat, a bit confused. "Where is he?" You look back up to Amane, who seems just as confused as you.

He holds a hand up to his chin, before remembering something. "I think I saw him going outside, but he hasn't returned since then."

"I'll look for him then." You lift Drum's head as gently as possible and get up, before placing his head over a pillow.

"Sure, that guy's always off by himself." He shakes his head.

"I know." You giggle. "That's just how Delta is, no matter how much he changes he's still a loner." You say, before walking out your Uncle's place.


You quickly jog towards the park nearby, assuming that Delta would be over there since it's the most quiet spot in town.

You notice him sitting by the water inmediately, but he also takes notice of you.

"(Name)." He says, his slight smile taking you by surprise.

"Delta, good evening." You wave, before taking a seat right beside the sea green-haired boy.

The two of you remain in comfortable silence for a while, before you manage to speak up.

"Congrats on your victory." You hug your knees while looking at the fish in the water. "Tomorrow's the finals, aren't you nervous?" You look towards him and curiously ask, seeing as Delta's always so composed.

"Yeah." He turns your way, his eyes meeting yours briefly. "A bit." He chuckles, before looking upwards into the vast sky.

"Really? That's a bit of a surprise." You giggle. "You're always so composed that I can't even tell if you're nervous or not anymore."

"Fair." He laughs a bit; his laugh making you feel a bit warm and fuzzy inside. You hadn't heard Delta laugh in the longest time, ever since you first joined BC Sol together. Drum's influence was definetly showing!

"I'm so glad we get to be like this together again Delta.." You mumble quietly, but he catches on your words.

"Is that so?" He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him.

"D-Delta...!" You squeak in surprise, not expecting said action coming from him, ever.

"I'm sorry, it's cold out here, isn't it?" He gives you a sly smile and your face inmediately turns multiple shades of red.

Is this even real anymore!?

"I-I suppose it is..y-yeah..?" You manage to relax, but you wouldn't get used to being this close to Delta, ever. He smells a bit nice actually...

"I've always been fond of you (Name)." He places his free hand on top of your head, before ruffling your hair. "I'm thankful for both you and Drum's company, but I enjoy yours the most."

"Thank you, I've always wanted to hear that, especially from you." You subconciously scoot closer to Delta, but you notice when Delta removes his hand from your head in order to wrap both arms around you, into a hug.

"I know, but I've got to thank you as well for cheering me on the most today." He chuckles, and you see a small glint of mischief in his eyes.

He actually heard you among the crowd's cheers!?

"You're something else.." You frown, but you break into a fit of giggles at the thought of Delta paying attention to only you in the heat of the battle.

He was most definetly full of surprises.

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