[How to impress your girlfriend 101] Aiga Akaba

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[ A/n; I want to start writing more and hopefully I can get to the remaining requests soon so sorry if I keep some of y'all waiting!

I really really love Aiga and I wanted to write more for him so uh..yeah.

Fluffy Aiga to cleanse the soul.]

[Word Count; 1025]


It's been about 3 weeks since Aiga had left to prepare for the Battle Journey and he had to admit, he kind of missed (Name)'s company.

Not that he would ever admit it to her.

Just imagining her shit-eating grin made the brunette shudder.

"Though, that Drum kid was pretty interestin', guess I'll keep a close eye on him." He leaned against the railing while keeping a close eye on the screen, where they would be streaming the beybattles until somebody reached the goal.

He wondered though, who the first to reach the goal would be.

Then his thoughts drifted back to you; making his face turn red instantly.

"W-Whatever, not like (Name) would pop out of thin air."

A femenine giggle came from behind.

"What about me?"

Aiga's eyes widened and he swore he felt his heart jump out of his chest. He turned around to face no other than his girlfriend, (Name).

"(N-Name)!?" He gasped, placing his hands on the female's shoulders and pulling her into a hug. To be honest, he wasn't expecting for her to actually come.

"That would be me." The (hair color)ette affirmed, giving the brunette a small peck on his cheek; making the boy's face turn redder in the process.

"T-Tch, you didn't have to come y'know." He let go of her and crossed his arms, turning his head to the side.

"I know, but I wanted to see you Aiga." She held her hands behind her back, giving Aiga a satisfied smile. It was mostly thanks to Naru that she even managed to come here and she definetly owed the blue haired girl alot.

"Heh, I'm glad to see ya too (Name)." He grinned, before holding Achilles out towards her. " Union Achilles says the same!"

"Woah! That's Achilles? I've never seen a Bey like that!" Her eyes brimmed with curiosity as she inspected it.

"He's Super Z awesome, right? I upgraded Achilles into a GaTinko Bey not too long ago."

"GaTinko...Bey...?" She looked back at Aiga, confusion evident on her face.

"It's the current generation of beys."

(Name) nodded in acknowledgement, before flashing the latter a smile.

"I can't wait to see you in action Aiga!"


It was finally time, someone had reached the goal.

And so, it was time for Aiga to finally battle!

The (hair color)ette had taken a seat beside a group of people. It seemed to be a blond girl, a boy with an incredibly weird hairstyle with an 'x' shaped bandaid on his forehead and an old man.

. . . That's an interesting group alright.

She wound up taking a seat inbetween the blond girl and ..Pot Hope, was it?

"So, it's time for the challenge battle against Akaba Aiga!" Anami announced.

"And now, let's welcome our bladers!"

"First up: the first blader to cross the finish line, and the wielder of Bushin Ashura, Kusaba Amane!"

From one corner; a boy with similar hairstyle to the kid that (Name) had seen before emerged.

"You can do it, Big bro!" The kid cheered.

Yup, they're siblings alright.

"And finally, the wbba. World Champion, Akaba Aiga!" Anami announced once again, making the stadium erupt in cheers.

From the other corner, none other than the World Champion emerged; a grin adorning his face proudly.

"Aiga!!! Good luck!" (Name) cheered with all her might, making her voice be known to the public.

That drew the attention of most of the people around her and specially; Aiga's attention.

He glanced her way, giving the female a thumbs up and a cocky smile that could honestly melt her heart.

"The championship match will be played to 3 points! If Kusaba Amane wins, we'll crown a new champion and end the Battle Journey. But if Akaba Aiga wins, we'll keep rolling the dice!" The announcer, Anami explained; while also showing off the battle stadium that would be used for these matches.

Aiga seemed surprised and impressed by the stadium. That was to be expected, as he's never tried out that sort of stadium before.

(Name) could only snicker at her boyfriend's surprised expression.

Amane on the other hand, had an advantage; as this wasn't his first time using the stadium.

"And now, let's start the battle!"

"First battle!" The referee announced.

"I'm going to win this!" Amane proudly announced.

"No matter what kind of stadium it is, my Achilles isn't gonna lose!" Aiga showed off Achilles, while casting a brief glance (Name)'s way. Their eyes met, flustering one another briefly. Aiga recovered quickly, but (Name) was a blushing mess.

"Ready, set!"

The female looked over to her boyfriend, who seemed further from the stadium.

He couldn't possibly have a new shoot form.


"3!" He got a running start. "2!" Was that a cartwheel!? "1!" WAIT WHY DID HE JUST DO A BACKFLIP AND SPIN IN MID-AIR!?

"Go shoot!" The two bladers shouted, launching their respective beys into the stadium.

(Name) couldn't believe it and let out an excited squeal.

"AIGA WHAT THE HELL, THAT WAS AWESOME!" She publicly fangirled, making the group that she was sitting inbetween stare at her weirdly.

Aiga on the other hand, smirked. This was the reaction he mostly definetly wanted from his girlfriend.

And that gave him a huge ego boost.

The match was already decided and Aiga had won with 2 bursts.

After the match, the female was already racing towards Aiga.

"Aigaaa!" She called out to the male, tackling him from behind.

"W-What the- (Name)?" He stumbled slightly, but he managed to catch the girl in his arms.

"What the hell Aiga, I didn't know you were this amazing! I mean like, seriously! Achilles was shining and and and.. then.. Union Slash!" She rambled on and on, making Aiga burst into laughter; confusing her slightly.

"Seriously (Name), you're too cute."

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