Chapter 81

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There’s an author’s note at the end of this chapter. It is very important that you all read it because I need everyone’s opinion. Thank you.

Harry’s Pov.

“So is everything okay?” I urge to know the answer.

The doctor rubs the little plastic stick around Mia’s smooth stomach once more, smiling. Smiling is a good ding right?

“I’m happy to announce that you have a wonderful, healthy baby growing inside you Misses Taylor.” The doctor pulls the stick away.

“So with all the panic everything is okay?” I squeeze Mia’s hand.

“Yes it is Mr Styles.” A slight nod to his head reassures me.

I feel the relief being lifted up off my shoulders, letting me breathe. Everything is okay. Everything is going to be okay.

“So then, I would now advise that you rest a lot after the last day or two Mia. You will need to be keeping Harry on his toes.” The doctor takes off his gloves, walking over to the sink.

“She does anyway.” I laugh as she swats my arm.

“Oi.” She laughs.

“I know that you both have already refused this offer but I have to ask again anyway because it is rules that I have to follow, but do you want to know the sex of the baby?” He asks.

Looking to Mia with a huge smile upon my face, warmth loving feeling rushes through my body.

“I’ll give you both a few moments to think about it.” The doctor adds before walking out of the room.

We both wait for the door to shut before speaking.

“So do you?” Mia asks.

“It’s not just up to me. It’s your choice as well.” I lift her hand up, kissing it.

“A part of me wants to wait until the day I give birth but another part of me wants to find out now because if it’s a girl I would love to have everything pink but if it is a boy obviously I would love to have everything blue. I want everything to be perfect for when we leave the hospital. I mean I know that we could wait for the surprise and just pain the room cream and beige but…”

“You want to know.” I grin.

“Basically.” She nods. “Do you?”

“I don’t think I could wait any longer. When we first got offered I didn’t want to know at all, but now being given the second chance…I want to know.” I beam.

“Me too.” She agrees.

“If you still want it to be a surprise to everyone else for a while, we can keep it between ourselves?” That should be pretty simple to do.

“That’s a good idea actually.” Mia stops by a sound of tapping at the door.

Mia and I watch the door open, as a small nurse wearing blue walks into the room.

“Hello Dr Howls got called onto an emergency but he quickly explained to me that you may want to know the sex of your baby. Is that right?” She questions.

“That’s correct. Yes.” Mia smiles back. Why is she putting a posh accent on? Mia does not have a posh accent.

“So shell we get started then. I bet you’re dead exited.” I bet this is the usual things that nurses have to say. In fact I bet they are sick of saying the same thing all of the time.

“I can’t want.” Mia takes my hand again, grinning her little head off.

The nurse has no need to lift Mia’s top back up meaning it stayed up after the first time, goose bumps covering it from the cold air in the room.

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