Chapter 70

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Harry’s Pov.

“Thank you for your reference Mr Styles.” The police officer closes his note book.

“I was glad to be able to help.” I smile looking over to the shattered cars.

“Come on Lucy, shell we take you to your mummy now.” The police officer holds out his arms.

“No, I want to stay with Hawy.” Lucy shakes her head.

“Mummy is in the back of the ambulance asking for you. Come on let’s go and see her.” He goes to take Lucy but she clings to me like valcro.

“No Hawy, don’t let him take me. I want to stay with you.” She looks into my eyes. Don’t do this to me.

“What if I take her over to the ambulance to her mum? If you try and take her off me she will get upset and I think she has had enough upset for a little girl already. Don’t you?” I look to the police officer.

“It’s not really aloud sir.” He grits his teeth not knowing what to do.

“Come on mate, just this once. I’m sure you don’t want a crying girl on your hands do you? Just let me carry her to her mum and then I’ll leave okay?” I can’t leave Lucy when she is asking me not too.

He sighs looking at Lucy. “Fine, it’s that ambulance over there.” He points to the third ambulance.

“Right. Thank you.” I nod, beginning to walk away.

Luckily everybody who was involved in the accident is okay…well as okay as they can be. Put it this way, nobody has died. I think the worst that has happened is the man from the other car may have broken his knee. That’s nothing to what could have happened. I’ve tried my hardest to keep Lucy smiling but it’s a little hard when there are flashing lights surrounding us. She’s so smart for a little girl, and curious about everything!

“Are you exited to see mummy?” I ask.

“Yep. Will she be okay?” Lucy looks at me].

“I think so.” She must be if she has been asking for Lucy.

“Hawy, I love my mummy.” That’s the cutest thing I have ever heard.

“That’s good. Mummy loves you too.” I smile.

As I’m about to walk into the ambulance, I get stopped by a paramedic.

“Can you hang on out here for a minute whilst we finish our treatment please?” The paramedic smiles.

“Of course.” I agree.

“We shouldn’t be any more than five minutes.” She closes the ambulance door.

“What’s happ…ening Hawy?” Lucy asks, struggling with her long words.

“They are just making your mummy better.” I explain in simple words.

“Oh so Hawy?” She says.

“Yes Lucy?”

“Do you have a princess you love?” She asks. Does she mean princess as in girlfriend? I take it she does.

“Yes.” I grin.

“What’s her name?” Lucy wonders.

“Mia.” I miss not being with Mia right now. She is sitting alone in the hospital. She must be so bored.

“Mia is a pwetty name.” I love the fact that this girl can’t pronounce her ‘R’s’

“Yes it is.” I agree.

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