Chapter 23

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Harry's Pov.

(The next day.)

I hardly slept a wink last night! I just couldn't rest knowing that Mia was at home on her own without anybody to sit a comfort her. I know that she is upset because even when she left mine last night, I could just tell the sadness that she is suffering by her eyes. I can't get over the fact that she actually told me. I was completely shocked by the news...I still am! I didn't have the slightest clue that she had another brother or Max was a twin. I can't imagine the pain that Mia is going through day after day. It kills me to know that she blames herself because she really shouldn't. The whole incident was a freak accident, which should have never happened. By the story Mia told me, it sounds like she did her best to protect her brothers and that is what she should think! None of this is her fault at all, but I don't know how to make her believe me. The most that I can do in the meantime is just be there for her and be the friend that she needs. I can't believe that Victoria is ignoring her now, not after she knows everything that Mia has been through in the past. Victoria should be there to support Mia! It makes me angry just to think of Victoria after how Mia looks up to her. If I knew this Victoria girl, I would give her a piece of my fucking mind! How does she think she is just ignoring Mia for no reason? Okay I know Mia didn't say that Victoria is ignoring her, but that is basically what she is doing.

I really wish that Mia stayed around here last night because I feel so attracted to her. I just don't want her out of my sight. I know it sounds like I'm a right dickhead but that's how I feel so just get over it. I can't help my feelings for Mia.

Thinking about her, it is now getting on for 11am and she still hasn't come around. I wonder if she is okay. Has she taken ill? Does she need help? Maybe I should go around to check on her, or would that look to desperate? I bet if I go around there to see if she is okay, she will think I'm some protective freak who needs to get on with life.

Fuck it. I need to go around there just to check on her.

Slipping my Chelsey boots on before making my way out of the door, I just check if my hair is okay in the mirror that hangs on the hall wall just before I go.

I make my way across the path and up to her front door.

*Knock, knock*

I will only give her a few minutes to open the door before I break it down. For all I know Mia could be lying on the floor pleading for help. I don't want to think that way but there the first thoughts in my mind right now.

"Hey Harry, what are you doing here?" Max opens the door.

"Hi..." Now what am I supposed to say? How about if I make some excuse about taking Mia out for lunch? Well that is the best idea for now.

"I've came over to see if Mia wants to go out for lunch or something." I shrug.

"Oh she was coming over to yours in a minute. She said she was going to jump in the shower first. Come on in whilst you wait." Max stands away from the door to allow me into the house.

The house is set out the exact same as mine, which I was expecting if I'm honest.

"Would you like a drink?" Max offers.

"No I'm alright thanks. Shouldn't you be at school?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Yeah I'm being picked up in a minute. I slept inn." Max rolls his eyes.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" I laugh.

"I don't know. Harry her room is on top floor, just go and sit in it. She should be finished by now." Max speaks.

The Boy Next Door.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang