Chapter 32

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Mia's Pov.

I can't believe how kind Harry is for letting Max stay around again last night. I wish he knew how much it meant to me with each time he did it. You might think I sound pathetic because I don't like leaving Max in the care of my mother and father, but I just worry about Max that's all.

Ever since the death of Ben, my mum and dad just don't seem to worry about Max and I. I'm not saying that I want their attention because I really don't, but I just wish that they would show more love and care towards Max. They can't even hold conversations with us, so at any point they are in the same room everything gets awkward. Obviously they love us, I'm not going to deny that...but sometimes I just wish they would show it.

In my opinion, I'm basically the mum Max never had. I'm the one who will walk him to school day after day, cooking his dinner or tea, washing his clothes, giving him money to go out. Where mum and dad just say to him

'Ask Mia.'

If I had a pound for each time them two words left their mouths, I would be a million air. When I had to look after Max after the death of Ben, I always thought that it would be for a short space of time, I never thought that it would be on going. I'm not complaining because I love Max to pieces but sometimes I just wish that they would actually give him some attention for once.

I can't have any idea of how they are feeling because they have lost a son, but I know it must be bad. They must be traumatized and so broke. I can't imagine the pain that they suffer on a daily basis. But when will it get better? I don't know maybe the pain will never get better. Every day I plead to have Ben back down on earth with us, but as much as I don't want to believe it I know it will never happen. I would or will do anything to give Ben another shot at life but I shamefully can't.

I could break down crying every second of everyday about what happened to Ben and how much guilt I feel, but I know that I have to keep strong for Max. Max is the only person who has been keeping me sane for a long time, and I don't know what I would have done without him being there for me. Knowing Ben he would be kicking our backsides telling us to stop moping around and to carry on and enjoy our lives, so that is why I put on a front.

I really wish our parents would do the same and just put a smile on their faces for Max. Not for me, I couldn't care less what they did for me...but just for Max. I've had plenty of arguments with them to look after Max and show him love, but they either walk out of the room or just stare off into the distance, ignoring every single word that I say. I now give up worrying and just show Max that he will always have me and he can tell me anything.

Max will always let me know if he has any problems and I make sure that I sort them out. At one point Max used to get badly bullied and I was the one who had to sort the situation out. Once again our mum and dad wasn't there to help so it all was left down to me...Just like it always is.

I've lost plenty of friends over the past and the only one I had was Victoria and look what has happened with her. Actually I don't even know what has happened with Victoria, she has obviously got a new boyfriend and shoved me off. It happened the last time she got somebody new but she promised me that it wouldn't happen again...but it did! I can't even say that we have lost connection from not living close to one another because I know that just wouldn't happen. Now I have Harry I have promised myself not to worry about Victoria. He is the one there to comfort me and to make me laugh. I know that he isn't perfect but as cheesy as this may sound, he is perfect to me. Harry makes me regain the smile that I lost a long time ago and I wish that he knew how much of a different person he has made me.

Just seeing him and Max being together melts my heart. Harry never complains about how much I want to have Max around. If Harry did ever complain, I would have to leave him because of course I would put Max first. I'm not going to let that worry me for now though.

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