Chapter 73

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Harry’s Pov.

Just to have Sammie-Jo back in my life makes me feel so happy. I feel has if I have a part of my family back. I never realised how much I missed her until I saw her. I’m happy that she has ended with Damien now because all he is…is trouble. He was no good at all for Sammie and the best thing that she has ever done is get rid of him. He makes my skin crawl. There’s never been a particular reason for me to hate Damien, it’s just we have never got along. I know about his bad reputation with girls, how he beat them or cheated on them. I mean come on…what real man hits a girl? I wouldn’t even dare touch Mia because all I want to do is protect her.

Thinking of Mia, I can’t wait to explain to her about Sammie-Jo. It might take a while for her to understand but I know that she will. Okay, I know that she won’t be happy with me for going out with Sammie-Jo behind her back but I didn’t know what else to do. Maybe it isn’t the smartest move that I have ever done, but I’m always doing something wrong.

As I pull up in the drive way, something catches my eye.

Curious to what it is, I jump out and walk closer.

“Why the fuck is my suite case out here?” I mumble to myself.

Actually I recall Mia saying that she is sorting our room out. She most likely thinks that it’s crap meaning it does have a rip on the seam. I suppose that I could do with a new one.

Slotting my key into the door, it opens…but stops.

Why does this girl always but the lock chain on? She must feel safer with is on or something. I don’t even know.

“Babe, I’m here. Can you come and take the chain off please?” I shout through the small crack of the door.

I wait a few seconds before realising that she mustn’t have heard me. I bet she is upstairs.

“MIA, COME AND OPEN THE DOOR.” I shout, hoping that it is loud enough for her to hear me upstairs.

As the seconds pass by, I begin to wonder if she is okay. I fucking hope so.

Putting my concentration to my sight, I peek through the crack of the door. Suddenly I see a quick movement.

“Mia. Oi.” I say.

Her body freezes. Her back is to me at this point in time.

“Is this some game you are playing with me because I was arsy with you this morning?” I smile to myself.

Still no reply. No? Okay.

“Mia come on, open up.” I repeat.

Her body slowly turns to face me. I can’t see clearly meaning the gap in the door is small, but I can see enough.

“Have you been crying? Mia are you alright?” I panic.

Her eyes are black from where her mascara has run down her face.

“Will you answer me?” I’m slowly losing my patience right now.

“Why should I?” Oh now she decides to speak.

“What the fuck is wrong with you? Let me in.” My knees are beginning to kill from kneeling on the hard concrete floor.

“No. Take you suitcase and go Harry.” Her voice is shaky.

Wait my case has my things in?

“Hang on have you just kicked me out?” I look down to my suitcase and then back through the gap.

“Don’t even bother. Just go.” Mia lifts her hand to wipe her cheek.

“No I will not just fucking go. I want an explanation right now Mia!” I seriously reply.

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