Chapter 54

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Max’s Pov.

“Max over here, I think that I have caught one.” Eddie Shouts from the front of the boat.

This is our third day of fishing and so far it has been a great laugh with Eddie, I feel as if I’ve known him for years. The second we met we got along with one another. Thank god there were no awkward moments because I really do not do awkward moments. When you meet someone new for the first time you can always feel the awkwardness between everyone and when the silence appears…well that is just a nightmare!

I would love to say that I have had a good bonding time with my dad but I can’t. All he has done is sit and drink! Every time I look at him he has a can of beer in his hand. I’ve tried to talk to him and to get him to open up but all he does is palm me of with Eddie telling us to leave him alone. He hasn’t even spoken to Jim that much who is Eddie’s dad, I don’t understand why though? I thought this fishing trip was meant to give me my old dad back, but no I have been proven wrong.

Walking over to Eddie, I take a seat on the wooden crate next to him.

“What type do you think it will be?” I curiously ask.

“I’m not too sure. Even though I go fishing with my dad regularly I’m not good with naming fishes. I just call them all a fish because that’s basically what they are. If it’s big it’s a big fish, if it is small it is a small fish. I don’t really have the time to sit and study all the names for different types of fish.”   Eddie explains whilst giving a little more slack to the line.

“Yeah I understand. So would you say fishing is a hobby of yours?” I ask.

“Not really no. If I’m honest I don’t really like fishing but I just do it to spend time with my dad. I know that he likes fishing and since my mum and him split up it is the only quality time I get to spend with him. I sometimes wish that we could stay at home and play against each other on Fifa but instead nearly every weekend I have to come out fishing.” He sighs, reeling the reel in towards his stomach.

“Does he make you?”

“No he doesn’t but who am I to stop him having fun. I suppose I’m just a tag along to keep him company meaning my sisters won’t come fishing.” Eddie shrugs.

“Oh.” I nod.

“So what about you and your dad? Have you fallen out because he has hardly said two words to you since you got here?” Eddie places the rod into the holder to give his hands a break.

“I don’t even know. He was meant to be coming here to bond with me but all he has done is drink. I don’t understand he promised me that everything would be all fun and games but the only time I have laughed if when I’ve been with you and your dad.” Why can’t my dad just be normal?

I would like to ring Mia but I don’t want to get her worried about me. She will only want to come and pick me up…which I wouldn’t complain about really. At least with Mia she always makes me feel welcome!

“So aren’t you having fun?” Eddie questions.

“No I am but I just thought that it would be better if my dad actually taught me a few things about fishing like he said he would but I should be used to being let down by him now. I’m guessing you already know about Ben?” I look to him.

“Yeah I do, sorry to hear about that. It must have been a traumatic time for your family and yourself and I’m sure it is still hard for you to believe.” Eddie looks at me with sympathy glossing high in his eyes.

“You’re right, the pain will never get easier but I just have to take each day in my stride. At first I must have been a nightmare to live with because I wouldn’t eat and I could get very angry and agitated easily, which made me flip out on everyone. But now I’ve came through that tough patch and I’m trying to get along with life as hard as it is but for my mum and dad, things are different…their different and I hate it. It’s not that I hate them but I always feel as if they hate me.” I look down to the decking of the boat.

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