Chapter 40

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Max’s Pov.

“M-mia.” I stutter looking up to see her and Harry.

Kian’s eyes widen as Mia looks down at us both. How did she find us here? How would she know that we would be here?

She stays silent staring at us both, looking from me to Kian.

“We can explain.” I break the silence.

“Yes I think you better. You have a hell of a lot to explain.” Mia shakes her head. I can’t work out whether she is angry or sad but she sure as hell is not happy. I don’t really blame her if I’m honest. I have lied to her and I’ve hated every second of it.

“Kian you are also in trouble. James is not happy with you either.” Mia says to Kian. Hang on why is she holding Harry’s hand? Is there something going on that I don’t know about? But I suppose now is the time not to ask her questions because it is time for me to answer her and give her answers.

“It started a couple…” I begin to talk but shortly get cut off.

“Max save it yeah. You can explain to us all when we get you both back to school.” Harry stands in.

“No I don’t want to go back to school.” I shake my head.

“Tough Max, you should be there right now!” Mia argues.

“Well why do you think I’m not there Mia? If there wasn’t a problem don’t you think I would be there right now?” I look up to her.

“Don’t argue with me Max. Just walk to the car.” Mia points towards the car.

I don’t argue against her and just stand listening to her command. All four of us make our way through the graveyard and back to the car park. No words are spoken between us, just complete and utter silent. The only sound that is heard is the bids singing, sitting on the trees.

How am I going to put this all into words without it sounding stupid or silly? I know Kian can back me up because he knows everything that has happened recently…meaning he is involved too.

I’m now in the back of the car with Kian. Kian is staring out of the window not acknowledging anybody who is presence in the car. I don’t blame him really. I bet he is worrying about what he is going to say to James. I look all around the car trying to keep myself occupied on something but all I can keep looking at is Harry’s hand stroking up and down Mia’s knee. My thoughts are probably over reacting and he is most likely just trying to comfort her because she is upset. I didn’t want to make her upset but there was nothing else I could do. I didn’t want to put any stress on her she already has enough to deal with…so this time I thought that I would cope by myself but look where that has got me. I know I’m going to get into big trouble with the school but I really don’t care, I don’t like it there anyway. The teachers as usual have their favourites and most of them are suck ups. The odd teacher is over nice with me and I hate it because I know they only give me sympathy because of losing Ben. They treat me differently to the others and it’s like they don’t know what to say to me. It’s a really horrible feeling because it’s weird. I just want to be treated like everyone else. I don’t want them to treat me differently because of Ben passing away. Yes I miss him because I didn’t just lose my brother, I lost a piece of my heart but people loose somebody every day and they have to get on with it and I’m trying but I don’t need everyone treating my differently.

Before I know it, we pull into the school’s car park. Now I have to get my head together and fast! I know I have to tell the truth but I don’t know where that is going to help or cause me a hell of a lot more problems.

Mia’s Pov.

As we get out of the car, Max and Kian walk in front of Harry and I just so that they can’t do a runner. I don’t think that they would but I can’t put it past them after finding out that they have been skipping school.

The Boy Next Door.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant