Chapter 27

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Mia’s Pov.

I wake up with a twinge in the bottom of my back. I realise that Harry and I must have fallen asleep on the sofa again.

“Morning.” Harry kisses my neck.

“Hey.” I smile even though he can’t see me, meaning I have my back to him.

“I can’t remember falling  to sleep.” He says.

Before replying, I turn over to face him. Wow! His sofa is so comfy.

“Me neither. I was just so tired yesterday after everything.” Replying, I lift my hand up out of the blanket to wipe my hair back off my face.

“Yesterday was eventful.” Harry laughs.

“Yeah, you can say that again.” I agree.

“Shell I tell you the best part of it all?” He speaks as our eyes meet.

“What’s that?” I wonder whilst getting lost into his deep green eyes.

Just Harry’s eyes can intrigue anybody, and with his good looks just makes him irresistible.

“Because I got you. It may have been complicated, but at the end we worked it out and I got you and can now call you mine.” Pecking my lips, Harry puts his arm around my waist supporting me so that I don’t fall of the sofa.

“That’s sweet.” I smile.

“You are sweet.” He smirks.

“That’s cringy.” Nudging his shoulder, he leans into kiss me.

“You love it.” I feel his smile against my lips.

“Come on we need to get up.” I sit myself up.

“Can’t we have a lazy day or something.” Harry asks.

“All I’ve been doing is having lazy days.” It is true. Since being ill all I’ve been doing is lounging about.

“Have one more…with me.” He asks opening his arms for me to lie back down.

“Not today.” I laugh.

“You’re boring.” Harry pouts which only makes me laugh more.

Standing to my feet, I stretch from side to side to loosen up.

“Sleeping on the sofa really makes you stiff and your bones ease up.” I state.

“Well you make me stiff, so all the same.” Harry smirks.

I can’t believe that Harry has just come out with that. In fact scrap that, I can believe that he has just come out with that.

“Shut up.” I throw the pillow at him. “We really need to stop falling to sleep on the sofa.”

I have to admit that it is really comfy because it is new. It must have been delivered in the time me and Harry had fallen out. I still can’t believe that Buddy chewed his last sofa, and I kind of still feel guilty for it happening. The mention of Buddy gets me thinking.

“I have to go and feed Buddy, just in case Max has forgotten.” Max gets so distracted by his video games, he forgets about reality.

“Give me a second and I will come around with you.” Harry finally sits himself up, stretching his arms out which expose his muscles.

“Harry it is only next door, I will be fine.” I roll my eyes.

“I want to spend every second with you.” He stands with a huge grin.

The Boy Next Door.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें