Chapter 43

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Mia’s Pov.

Waking up in a bed that I’m unfamiliar with feels strange. Harry is not stuck up my back and I feel cold and lonely. I hardly slept last night from too many thoughts running through my mind. Yesterday was a nightmare which I never want to live again. With Harry ending it with me to my Mum having a breaking down and kicking Max and I out of the house my mind had too much to take in at once. I’m trying…really trying to stay strong in front of Max but it is so difficult! The poor little mite is already upset enough that’s without seeing his own rock and stone break down in front of his eyes.

After we got out of the house my Father told me that everything will be okay one day and that he is going to get my Mother some mental help. She has needed help for a while but none of us have got it her. Yes I’m mad with her but at the get of the day she is still my Mum and I love her.

I didn’t know where to go last night my first choice was James’s house. I rang him and he came to pick me up straight away. I told him a brief story of what had happened and he’s so understands. James’s boyfriend is so lucky to have James in his life!

“Mia are you awake?” Max’s voice brings me from my thoughts.

“Yeah I am.” I turn over to face him.

We both slept on the sofa bed last night. I’m very grateful for James allowing us to stay.

“When will everything be okay?” His eyes are full of sadness.

“I don’t know Max but I promise it will be okay one day. You have me and I have you we don’t need anything else. Okay?” I take a deep breath in and out.

“But what about Harry?” I knew that question was coming.

“I don’t know but he made it pretty clear that he didn’t want me no more so I accepted his wishes. I will get over him. All that is on my mind now is sorting where we can stay tonight.” I bet I look a right mess. I’m glad I don’t wear mascara because if I did my face would be black from the amount of times that I’ve cried.

“Mia I know Harry didn’t mean what he said. You said that he was drunk…right? It must have been the drink talking. Don’t believe him.” I wish I could fall into Max’s words but what Harry said hurt and those words will stick.

“Just forget about Harry for now…he is the least of my worries.” I try and smile but badly fail.

“Okay. Mia?” Max’s eyes meet mine.


“I don’t want to go home…not until mum is better. I want to move that house is taunting everything bad happens in that house and I hate living there.” I have never heard Max sound so serious.

“I don’t want to go back either.” I understand Max. Everything bad has happened in that house and I don’t want to go back just in case I bump into Harry.

“And I want to move schools. I don’t want to face Cody again he will literally kill me!”

“I know. I know.” I nod showing that I agree.

“Please can’t we just move and start a fresh. I will talk to dad to let me move in with you. He will agree because with mum being taken into care he can’t look after me and go to work as well. I want to get away Mia. Please I’m begging you.” And I can tell that Max is begging me because I’ve never seen him talk in this way before, He means every word that leaves his lips.

“Okay Max. I will see what I can do.”

“It’s not like we are going to struggle with money because we both have compensation from the car accident and we also have Nan and Granddads will.” For a young boy he is very clever and I’m so proud to call him my brother.

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