Chapter 69

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Mia’s Pov.

The pains in my stomach right now are tremendous! It hurts so bad.

“Harry.” I cry.

He must have been in a light sleep because it’s only taken me once to say his name before his eyes opening.

“What wrong?” Worry flashes across his face.

“My belly. It really hurts Harry.” I scrunch over into a ball.

“Hang on, I’ll go and get you some painkillers.” He rushes out of the small room in a flash.

I’m still yet to find out what has been going on with me. I’m so scared but if Harry told me everything is okay, I believe him. The positive news that I have heard is that the baby is okay and there’s no need to worry about him or her. But the negative is that I don’t have a clue what is going on with my body right now. It’s causing me so much trouble!

“Babe, the nurse is coming to see you now.” Harry sits back beside me on the bed.

“Harry, it hurts.” I cry out in pain again.

I know that I’m in pretty bad pain not only because I can feel it, but it’s that fact that I never normally whine like a child.

“The pain will go away in a little after the nurse has seen to you.” He kisses my head.

“What’s happening Harry? Something isn’t right, I just know it.” I ask, still in my scrunched ball.

“You have a very bad infection on the inside of your body, you just have to wait for the prednisolone and antibiotics to work. I know that it must be painful right now but you have to stay relaxed and calm.” He strokes my hair.

“How did I get an infection?” I wonder.

I don’t understand because I haven’t been around anyone to pick any of their germs up.

“I don’t know. Infections can get into your body at any time and how ever they like.” He explains like a teacher.

“Are you sure our baby is okay?” I ask the question that I have already asked more than once.

“Mia, babe. Listen to me.” He takes my hands in his, looking me into the eyes. “Our baby is fine, its heart beat is a little low but as soon as your immune system strengthens so will our baby’s heart. Stop worrying, I wouldn’t lie to you, you know that.” He smiles.

“I know, I just wanted to make sure because she or he is so small that they can’t fight on their own at the moment. I can’t wait until the day we can protect him or her ourselves.” I lightly smiles, still in pain.

“I will protect the both of you. It’s killing me seeing you in pain now. I wish that I could take it away from you.”

“I wouldn’t wish this pain on my worst enemy.” I rock back and forth trying to ease the pain.

As the door keeps open, a small Chinese nurse pops her head in.

“Mia Taylor I’m here to give you an injection to help with the pain you are suffering from at the moment.” She enters.

“Why do you have to hurt her even more by injecting her? Why can’t you just give her tablets?” Harry asks.

“Because the injection will run straight into her bloodstream, healing the pain almost instantly, but if we wait for the tablets we have to wait for the process of breaking down to work.” She sucks a liquid up out of a tiny glass jar into a syringe.

Harry pulls a face at her question but thankfully she doesn’t see him.

“You will feel a little scratch right now but nothing too major.” She smiles, stabbing the small point into my arm.

The Boy Next Door.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora