Chapter 39

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Mia's Pov.

(The next day.)

Harry and I are out shopping in town just for the regular everyday things as you do.

"You need a new phone." He takes my phone out of my hand running his fingers across the cracked screen.

"Yeah that would be nice." I agree.

"Why don't you get one?" He asks.

"Well I'm waiting for my contract to end in a couple of months then I will get one." I know that my contract is coming to an end so I may as well wait.

"Ah I see." He smiles. Just about as Harry is about to pass me the phone back, it begins to vibrate catching both of our attentions.

There is no specific name for the caller ID. The only thing that is flashing across the screen is 'Unknown number'. Who could it be?

"Hello?" I answer suspiciously.

"Hello is this Miss Leigh?" The caller asks.

"Speaking. Who is this please?" I wonder not recognising the voice.

Harry mouths 'Who is it?' to me. I respond by shrugging my shoulders because I really don't have a clue.

"This is Mr Spellman calling from Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School. I've called to talk to you about Max." The man says.

"What? Is he okay?" Being myself, panic runs throughout my body.

"Well I was wondering the exact same thing meaning Max is not present in school today." Yes he is, Max left the house for school this morning. Harry did offer him a lift but apparently he was meeting up with Kian in the park.

"I don't understand. He came in this morning." Scrunching my face up trying to figure something out, I see Harry giving me a strange look. I think he is trying to still figure out who is on the phone to be honest.

"I can assure you that Max hasn't been in from the start of the week. He missed a couple of days last week and he didn't bring in a letter to explain where he was. So I thought I best ring myself meaning I am his head of year."

"So Max has been skipping school?" I can't believe that...not one bit.

"Ah, I see that we have a problem here. So Max definitely is not at home." Mr Spellman asks.

"N-no. Like I said before he left the house for school this morning." I repeat. What if something has happened to him on the way to school? Anything can happen to kids these days on the streets. See now this is why I like to take Max to school myself because then I know that he is safe.

"I suppose that you already know that Max is very good friends with Kian." I can't even think straight at the moment.

"Y...yes they are. They h-have been g-good friends for a long w-while n-now." Damn it Mia stop stuttering!

"Well I can also inform you that Kian is not in school too." He carries on too speak. What if something has happened to the both of them? The tightness in my chest and the lump in my throat are growing by the second.

"Move out of the fucking way!" A man's voice distracts me from the phone call. Shit I forgot that Harry and I are standing in the middle of a shop.

"What did you just say to her?" Harry steps towards the man.

"Oh sorry I didn't know that she had her own personal body guard." The stranger smirks.

"I swear down..." The man cuts Harry off.

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