Chapter 42

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Mia’s Pov.

“Okay thank you for your help Mr Spellman. I really appreciate it.” I stand at the door of the office.

“You’re very welcome Miss Leigh. You will have to keep that boyfriend of yours under control.” He smiles a little.

“Ugh don’t even mention him. I’m so angry with him right now!” I mean it how Harry acted was unexpected after I warned him not to say a word!

“Listen don’t worry about it. Yes Mr Styles was out of order for pinning Cody against the wall like that but I can understand that he was angry with Cody for what he had done to Max.” Mr Spellman replies.

“I know I’m just mad at him that’s all. If you are ever worried about Max again just let me know straight away.” I look over to Max who is sat in the waiting area.

“I will do. Bye for now Miss Leigh.” I will never be used to being called Miss Leigh. Ugh it goes through me but I know he is just being polite.

“Bye now.” I smile before turning to walk out of his office.

Wow I am so mad at Harry for the way he lashed out. His language was atrocious and the threats he was giving out to Cody were unbelievable! I could have killed Cody myself but I knew I had to stay calm but Harry on the other hang thought that it would be a good idea to grab Cody by his collar and pin him up against the wall. He couldn’t have acted any worse. Cody’s father pulled Harry away from his son and then Harry was asked to leave by Mr Spellman. I don’t really blame him for asking Harry to leave because his actions were ridiculous.

“Mia it looks like we will have to get a taxi home because Harry isn’t in the car park.” Max says as I greet him in the waiting area. I guess a taxi it is then.

 We have been at the school for two and a half hours. They had to go through all of the punishment Cody would face. I actually can’t get over Cody admitting everything that he has been doing to Max so easily.  

“I knew he wouldn’t be. Come on let’s just go home.” I say as Max stands up.

“Don’t take it too hard on Harry.” Max looks at me.

“Why?” I question.

“Because I kind of liked seeing Cody looking terrified for a change. I’ve never seen him look so scared.” Max chuckles to himself.

Once again I had to deal with everything today on my own because Mum and Dad couldn’t get the time of work apparently. I told you that they never have time for their own children. See these are the kinds of things that make me angry with them. It’s not that I’m being harsh, I just don’t think they are fare.


Before getting out of the cab, I pay the taxi driver. Also giving him a little tip too. He is very grateful for it.

The first thing I notice as I step out of the cab is Harry’s car parked up on the drive way. I bet he is going to be in the worst mood ever now. I really can’t be bothered to argue with him right now but I suppose I will have to.

“Max are you alright to go home for a little because I just need to talk to Harry. Mum and Dad should be home soon anyway.” I ask.

“Yeah sure. See you in a bit.” He heads of to the house as I make my way to Harry’s.

Opening the door, I hear music blasting from the kitchen. Well I guess there is no point in me shouting that I’m here. Making my way through the hallway, I walk to the door at the end that leads to the kitchen. Opening the door, I’m surprised by what I see.

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