Chapter 29

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Mia’s Pov.

Waking up in Harry’s arms once again puts a smile on my face as I snuggle back down. Everything at the moment just feels so perfect. I feel bad for not telling Max the truth just yet, but I’m sure he will soon find out.

“Mia, I have you go to school.” I hear Max say.

“Okay, good look with the essay.” I smile down at him.

“Shh.” Harry grumbles from behind me and I laugh.

“Do you need a lift?” I whisper.

“No not today, Kian is coming around to mine and then we’re going to have a slow walk to school.” Max stands from the floor.

“Okay, see you later.” I smile.

“Bye.” Are his last words before walking out of the house.

Just as I’m about to move to get of the sofa, my full body gets pulled back down with force.

“Har…” I get cut off by our lips colliding.

“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to do that.” He smiles against my lips.

“You’re impatient Styles.” I smirk.

“Only for you.” His raspy voice makes me want him even more.

I don’t know how Harry and I kept apart from one another for so long when we had fallen out. Okay maybe it wasn’t that long only two days…but those two days dragged like a bitch.

“I’m getting in the shower.” I whisper against his lips.

“I will be your company.” Harry replies pecking my lips.

“I will be alone.” I giggle.

“Okay, but if you get bored just give me a shout.” Harry finally loosens around me, allowing me to move.

I don’t take too long to shower, I just give myself enough time to wash my hair, body and shave. Walking into the bedroom, Harry is lay on top of the bed topless. I can feel myself gawking over his body, and I can’t seem to look away. Wow! Bloody hell Mia, pull yourself together. My mind tortures me but I push those thoughts away.

“Mia.” Harry laughs which brings me from my deep trance.

“S-sorry.” Stuttering, my cheeks heat up. I bet I have turned a scarlet red colour because I normally do when I blush.

“Don’t be sorry baby. You can stare any time you want.” He walks over kissing the top of my head. The words ‘baby’ that fall from his lips make all of the hairs stand on my arm. It is like I have suddenly turned all static.

“We’re going out. Just be ready for twelve.” Harry speaks. Going out? Where?

“Going out?” I look at him.

“Yes.” I all he says

“Where?” I ask.

“That’s for me to know and for you to find out beautiful.” Walking away from me, he makes his way over to his set of draws and pulls out a plain black top which match perfectly with his black skinny jeans. I know you might be thinking black is black, but if you actually look closely there is plenty of different shades of black. Some being light or dark, even some a little more grey.

Where could he be taking me? And why won’t he tell me? Every second I spend with Harry I just find that he is so mysterious and of course attractive. Like I have said before, I wish that he was a book so that I could just read over and over again, getting more glued to it with every chapter I read.

The Boy Next Door.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin