Chapter 4

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Harry's Pov.

I'm woke up by hearing a noise at my front door. 

"Wow you got that smashed last night, you couldn't even make it up to bed." Zayn hands me a cup of coffee as I sit myself up on the couch.

"I don't even remember last night." I groan.


"What the hell is that noise?" I look at Zayn.

"Something seems to be at the door." He replies.

Meaning Zayn has no intention to go and open the door I suppose I best go and do it myself. As I open the door I'm greeted by a black Labrador. 

"I didn't know we had a dog." Niall walks down the stairs.

"We don't." I state.

"Well is that a elephant then?" He mocks me.

"Fuck off." I say as I bend down to pat the dogs head. What else am I suppose to do? 

"I'm sure that dog lives somewhere around here, I've seen it before." Niall stares at the dog. I don't reply just stay silent still stroking the dog's head. This mut better not bite me otherwise I will not be responsible for my actions.

I feel around it's neck to try and find some sort of name tag. It doesn't take me long to find one.


Is what the name tag reads. I turn it over to look for a number. When I find one I begin to dial the digits into my phone until I hear a voice coming from down the drive way.

"Buddy there you are." The young boy who I played football with yesterday walks towards us.

"Is he yours?" Stupid question.

"Yeah, well no he is Mia's. She will be so happy once she knows he has been found, she has been worried sick all night. Mia loves that dog to bits." I think the boys name is Max. 

As the brown haired boy takes his mobile phone out of his pocket I keep a grip onto Buddy.

"Hiya Mia, Harry has found Buddy he is safe and sound so will go and put him in the house now....No I'm not....Yes...What's with all the questions?...I'm fine...Maybe well I think so...Have fun...Mia you talk way too much, I'm going to put Buddy in the house then I'm going around to Kian's house, okay bye." Half of that made no sense to me meaning I couldn't hear what Mia was saying.

"Thanks again for keeping Buddy safe." Max takes a hold of the big black dog. I didn't really keep him safe meaning I have only just found him sitting outside my door, but I don't mind taking the credit for it.

"No problem, what did Mia say?" I have no idea why I just asked that.

"Urm...not a lot really. She is just happy Buddy has been found." Max says.

"Where is she anyway?" I question. I'm sure she is not in work today. What is wrong with me? Why do I even give a shit where Mia is. 

"Well I think she has gone to Costa with James, he offered her to go and she said yes. Later I think they are going to the cinema, in my opinion it is a date but Mia wont admit it." Max laughs to himself but soon stops as he sees the look on my face.

Who is James? Is he some sort of boyfriend?

"Anyway I'm late so I'm going to go. See you later, thanks again Harry." Max toddles off down the drive.

Is James the guy who was in the office yesterday? No wait I'm sure he was called Gary or Danny well it's something like that anyway. All I remember is that he was annoying and was really easy to wind up. I should make up a plan to wind him up even more tomorrow. 

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