Chapter 66

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Harry’s Pov.

“I knew you would be here.” A familiar shadow covers my body.

I look up to him, keeping my eyes squinted from the sun the blares behind his body.

“Don’t look at me like that. Come on move up.” Niall slightly kicks the side of my legs for me to move.

Letting out a sigh, I move over to the right end of the tree stump.

Across the years this tree stump and I have made a very good friendship. I would always come here if I was upset just to think everything through. I don’t know what makes me come back to this park time after time again. Maybe it is the fact that I know that I’ve had so many happy memories here? I’m not sure but I really wish I fucking knew.

The reasons I said ‘happy memories’ is because my mum used to bring Gemma and I down here to play for the day. She would pack a picnic for us and we would spend the day here playing family games or splashing around in the river. My last happy memory with my dad was here in this park and I never want to forget it. Why can’t everything go back to the way it used to be? When my dad was alive he would always make sure the family was happy. I know that he would be turning in his grave right now knowing that the family has been torn apart. I have no contact with any of my family now and there’s nobody to blame except for myself. I was the one who left.

Like I have said before, I only left because I didn’t want to see Robin take over my father’s place. It killed me every day knowing that he was trying to act like my father figure but at that time I didn’t need or want anyone! The only person I needed was my dad but he was no longer around for me.

The close relationship my mother and I had was destroyed by my mood swings and Gemma no longer looked to me as her brother. I seemed to be the one tearing the family apart so that was when I knew it was time for me to leave. I couldn’t or didn’t want to see my family getting hurt anymore because of me and my selfish ways.

I would never admit that I was selfish at the time but now I have took the time to think about it, I was probably the most selfish person around! But deep down if I wasn’t to blame I would have never of left my family because I loved them so much. So if I think about it I guess I knew back then to the day I left that everything was my fault.

I miss my mum and sister so much but we have been apart for too long to turn back the time. I don’t think anything could go back to the way it was before because it wouldn’t be the same without my dad.

When I saw them the other day at the hotel I just freaked out. I didn’t know what to do or say at the time. I really wish that Mia knew the truth to why I ran off like I did. I wish that I could just have hugged my mum and sister again but the thought also makes me feel sick.

When I came home to find out that Mia is pregnant…well that just put the fuel to my burning fire. I couldn’t think straight and I panicked. I just can’t help myself. See no matter what everything always turns out to be my fault at the end of the day.

“So are you actually going to talk to me, or are you going to sit there and stare at the grass.” Niall interrupts my thoughts.

I just shrug to his question like a childish little boy. I suppose that's all that I am, childish.

“What are you drinking?” He looks over to my can, hidden between my hands.

I know that he thinks that it is alcohol but it isn’t.

“Coke.” I speak.

He opens my hands to make sure that I’m telling him the truth. When Niall realises that it is actually a can of Coke I’m holding, he looks surprised…shocked even.

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