Chapter 80

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Mia’s Pov.

Opening my eyes, I let out a fast breathe.

I’m not hurt.

I’m alive.

“You prick. I’m going to fucking kill you! You nearly killed Mia.” Harry dives onto Damien, taking him down. The small gun flies across the kitchen on the floor a police officer soon to grab it.

“Harry stop, I’m fine.” I scream, Sammie-Jo pulling me back by my arms.

Harry takes no notice whilst throwing punch after punch towards Damien’s body. Two police officers are on guard to pull them apart.

They struggle as Harry fights against them but they do manage to retain him under their strength.

“Damien I’m not even going to say the arrest law with you. You must know it off by heart by now.” One of the officers says whilst handcuffing Damien’s hands behind his back.

“Fucking off Dave!” Damien scoffs, making no attempt to break loose.

“You were on your last warning boy, and you have just blown it.” The officer…Dave says.

Luckily the bullet didn’t hit me. It nearly did, but it missed Sammie and I by a fraction by flying behind us and shattering the glass door.

“Let go off me.” Harry forces against two officers again.

“Not until you calm down sir.” One of the men shake their heads.

“For fuck sake, my girlfriend is pregnant and has glass shattered around her. Fucking let go of me so I can help her up.” Harry suggests his hands towards me.

“P.C Joyce.” A officers says towards a woman officer.

P.C Joyce makes her way over to where Sammie and I are lay. I see Harry’s temper rising. This is not good.

Dave walks Damien out of the kitchen and supposedly to the police car.

“Hello love. Are you hurt?” The polite young officer asks.

“I don’t think so.” I shrug looking around my body.

She asks the same questions to Sammie before helping us both up to step across the small pieces of sharp glass.

 “Mia are you alright?” Harry asks.

I slowly walk over to him. “Harry I’m fin. Are you?”

“I will be when these get off me.” He nudges the officers again.

“Please free him, he’ll be calm now. Let me talk to him.” I ask one of the politer looking officers. He doesn’t seem as scary as the other one.

The both look at each other before muttering something behind Harry’s back. A nod to their heads, Harry is now free.

“Baby, I’m so sorry. Why did you come here? You could have killed yourself.” Harry pulls me into his arms.

“Well I never. I’m here standing right in front of you.” Slightly pulling back, my eyes search his face.

“Look at you. You’re in a mess.” I gently rub my fingers underneath his eye, and then down to his cheek. Pulling my hand away, I look at Harry’s blood, stained to my fingertips.

“I don’t care about me, just you. It’s my entire fault. I could have killed you.”  He angrily replies.

“No it is not your fault, none of this is!” I shake my head not understanding him.

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