Chapter 20

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Mia's Pov.

I have had such a terrible night's sleep. Machines based all around the ward have not stopped alarming all through the night. The only great news from this morning is that I can finally go home and I can't wait! When the doctor came on his rounds, I made sure that I said everything right so that I could go home. It is not like I lied by saying I feel really well, but if I am telling the truth I just feel weak and tired. I am so excited. After nearly a week of being in here, I can finally go home to my nice warm bed. I have never been so happy to go home.

I just want to be able to go back to my old life, getting back to work and looking after Max. The only thing that I have enjoyed about being in hospital is that I haven't been at home to listen to my mother and father, argue twenty for seven. Even though I do feel bad for Max, meaning he has had to listen to them tare each other apart. I can guarantee that they can't go a day without arguing, they pick at each other all of the time! They used to be the perfect love couple but now I don't even know if they love each other anymore? The both of them stay in work for as long as possible to avoid one another, and if they are not in work they won't sit in the same room at home.

It used to upset me quite a lot, but now I have just gotten used to it. In fact it is annoying hearing them shout or give each other dirty looks. Max isn't to bothered by it, he just thinks that the both of them need to grow up which they do, but sometimes I do understand why the both of them argue.


My phone buzzes on the table, dragging me from my thoughts. Meaning it vibrated on the cold, wooden table it echoed which makes me jump.

To Mia.

Hey hunny, I can't make it to pick you up. Can you get a taxi or a bus home? I really need to go to this meeting and I can't possibly miss it. xxx

From Dad.

Wonderful, so I have just been realised out of hospital and I have to get a bloody taxi or bus home! Of course, how could I have forgotten that work always comes first. Not replying, I lock my phone and put my phone into my pocket whilst I finish packing up the rest of my things.

It is quite unbelievable how much items that I have gained whilst being in the hospital for a week. I swear down that I have enough chocolates to last me a year. I even have a get well balloon from Max. I have to admit when he walked in with it, it did put a smile upon my face.

Packing my clothes, I stare out of the window which catches my attention.

A frail old lady passes by sat in her wheelchair, smiling away whilst talking to her nurse. Her face is so white it is like looking at a ghost but the smile high upon her face could just make anyone's day.

"And where do you think you are escaping too?" I jump from a voice appearing behind me.

"Harry you made me jump." I put my hand across my pounding heart.

"Sorry." He laughs.

"I can finally go home." I clap my hands and he looks at me weird.

"What I'm excited." I pout.

"Nothing you just make me laugh." He smiles collapsing down in the seat.

Harry soon stands back up and walks over to me.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Sit." He demands looking at the bed.

"Harry I have enough energy to pack." I swat he hand away.

"Sit down before I carry you to sit on the bed. I will pack for you because you are supposed to be relaxing remember." He takes my bad of me.

"Fine." I roll my eyes as I take a seat back onto the uncomfortable bed.

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