Chapter 3

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Mia's Pov.

"Are you ready to show the new employee around Mia?" Danny asks as I take a seat.

"Not really but I have no choice." I shrug.

"Where is he anyway? Shouldn't he have been here a while back at nine thirty like everyone els has too?" Danny looks down at his watch.

"Yeah I suppose he should have been." I agree.

It's now 10:30am and we are still waiting for this "new employee" who hasn't showed up. I'm not being funny but when I have a new job on my first day I like to be there an hour early not an hour late.

"I'm going for a coffee do you want one?" Danny stands.

"No I'm okay thanks." I smile.

"See you in a bit." Danny says as he heads off through the door.

'Today I would like you to read through this story and make sure all spellings are correct.'

A message from my farther shows up on my screen. I click the link to open up the story and with no surprise it is once again another love story. I'm sure that's all people do these days.

Just as I'm about to get to work I hear a loud clash which makes me jump.

"What the hell?" I loudly say as I see a smashed cup on the floor and Danny standing there.

"He pushed me." Danny look over to a new person who is placed at a desk in my office. When did he get here? I didn't even hear him.

"Shut the fuck up." He grunts. I stretch my neck to see the new employee's face.

"Harry?" I gulp.

"Mia, we meet again." He smirks.

"What are you doing here?" I surprisingly ask.

"I could ask the same to you." He leans back on the swivel chair.

"Well I work here." I bluntly reply.

"Well so do I." Harry replies so sarcastically I could hit him.

"Wait you both know each other?" Danny looks shocked.

"No, well yes but not that well." I stutter not really knowing what to say to his question. Well it's true I don't really know Harry he just lives next door to me and likes to annoy me.

"Yes we know each other very well. You are good in bed aren't you Mia." As the words leave Harry's mouth I feel Danny's eyes burning into me.

"What?" Danny's voice raises.

"Shut up Harry I hardly know you and plus I wouldn't touch you with a barge pole." I state.

"You wasn't saying that last night." Harry looks at me highly amused.

"Danny can we talk outside?" I ask as I stand.

"Yes I think we need too." Danny looks furious as we leave the office.

As we get outside, I lean against the wall as Danny leans in closer to hear me talk. That's one problem in this place if somebody hears a piece of news it spreads like wildfire.

"How could you?" He asks.

"Danny I swear down I haven't been near Harry." I gulp.

"But he said..."

"I don't care what he said, it is all lies."

"Well how do you know him then?"

"He has just moved in Victoria's house next door and that's all. I don't know him I've said a few words to him but that's all nothing els, I promise." I say and mean it.

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