Chapter 33

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Mia’s Pov.

I’ve just awoken from falling back to sleep this morning. The nightmare that I had was awful. Since the death of Ben, I’ve suffered with bad nightmares. I don’t have them every night, but when I do get them…there awful.

I’m still pulled into Harry’s chest. I’m so glad that he woke me from my nightmare because I don’t know how more much I could have taken.

Wriggling out of Harry’s grip, I manage to get out of the bed without waking him. I want to go for a shower to freshen up. I don’t use the shower in the en suite. I’m going to use the one down the hall so that I don’t wake him up.

Locking the door behind me, I walk into the shower room. The marble floor makes me flinch from the coldness as I step on it with my bare feet. Stepping into the shower, the water soon warms the whole of my body. The room soon fills up with steam and condensation.

After my shower, I dry myself before wrapping the towel around my body. Pulling it tight to cover the most private parts of my body, I make my way down the hall back to the bedroom.

“Hey sexy.” Harry smirks from the bed.

“Morning…Afternoon.” I smile.

“Are you feeling any better?” He questions looking at me with sympathy.

“Yeah I will get over it, I have no choice.” I shrug not really wanting to talk about the nightmare. It’s not that I don’t want to tell him, I just don’t like having to talk through them. But I’m pretty sure that Harry can guess what it was about anyway, it doesn’t need a genius for it.

“Don’t let it worry you.” He scoots up on the bed, patting the empty space by his side.

“I’ll try not to.” Sitting down by his side, I tap the towel to be flat around my legs.

“Good. You have me now.” He smiles placing a kiss on my shoulder.

“I know.” I say. It’s true. I have Harry to make me happy now.

“I could take you right now.” His raspy voice makes my body tense.

“Harry.” I laugh.

“Just me and you. Nobody around.” He kisses up my neck until his lips find mine. The kiss starts off slow and calm. Harry teases a couple of time by pulling away and smirking. Putting my hand behind his head, I pull him closer deepening the kiss.

Wasting no time, Harry soon hovers over my body. Lying flat on the mattress, Harry places kisses from my lips to my chest.

“I can call you mine and do so many things to you.” He whispers down my ear making the hairs on my arm stand.

“We just need this towel taking off.” Harry bites down on him bottom lip whilst running a finger along the hem of the towel.

Connecting our lips again, he slightly tugs on the towel but it doesn’t loosen.

“Have I come at a bad time?” I jump from a voice coming from the door.

I shoot my head to look up as does Harry.

“Louis what the fuck are you doing here?” Harry is still hovering over me, holding himself up on his arms.

“I knew there was something going on.” Louis smirks.

“You could have warned me that you were coming!” Harry shakes his head. How is he not embarrassed? I can feel my cheeks burning.

“O god.” I whisper, nocking Harry arm for him to move from pinning my body down.

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