Chapter 18

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Harry's Pov.

"Harry. Wake up." I feel my body being shook.

"Harry, you really should go home." I see Max standing before me.

Mia has only recently been coming around but not for long, she will open her eyes and then just fall back to sleep again. This is her third day in hospital and I still have not been home from arriving here when she was rushed in.

"Max stop worrying, I'm fine." I sit up to allow Max to take a seat next to me.

The hospital still won't let me sit in with Mia at night, so I just lie across the seats outside of her room.

"Harry you have been in for three days solid, you need to go home and have a proper sleep. Don't take this offensively, but you look dreadful." Well cheers Max.

"I said that I wouldn't leave until I knew she was awake and okay, so I am keeping to my promise." I wipe the sleep from my eyes.

I feel dirty as hell! I gave Max access to my house to go and get me some clan clothes, but I still feel dirty.

"Well hopefully today will be the day." Max says.

"What for?" I'm confused.

"For Mia to wake up." He points out the obvious.

It is true. Mia has been coming around a little more with each day that passes. Even though each day will drag, it is worth it just to see Mia with a bit more movement to her body. She may only open her eyes for a second before closing them again, but at least it is something. Anything is better than nothing right?

"Yes. Hopefully." I nod.

"Come on let's go and see her." Max stands

Yesterday, they allowed Max and I to both go into the room together instead of one at a time.

Mia's parents have only been a couple of times, and they didn't even have the decency to stay with her. If it wasn't for Max and I, Mia would have been here on her own. I don't know what it is, but that family has something against hospitals, and I don't know what it is? I know that hospitals are everyone's least favourite place to visit, but if they are there to help somebody that you care about, I don't see what the big deal is.

Walking into her room, I take a seat to the right side of the bed, and Max takes a seat on the left side.

"These places are quite depressing aren't they?" Max speaks.

"Yeah too right they are." I agree. Everyone you see just looks so gormless. In the coffee room, even when it is packed everyone stays silent. It is like something of a horror film, just being stared at twenty for seven. The first couple of days, it did creep me out quite a lot, but now I have come to terms with it.

The room falls silent and we just look at Mia, her breathing is calm and steady. Just how it should be.

"M..." Mia's little mumble catches are attention.

"Mia." Max and I say at the same time, with full of excitement in our voices.

"Ma..." Mia moves her body a little, slowly wriggling underneath the covers.

We both stay silent to try and work out what Mia is trying to say.

"Max." She tries to open her eyes, but struggles.

"Mia. It is okay I'm here." Max walks around the side of the bed to my side, meaning it is the way Mia is facing at this moment in time.

"What...happened?" Finally her eyes are wide open.

The Boy Next Door.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant