Chapter 48

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Mia’s Pov.

Harry has just told me that he loves me. It’s took me a long time to figure it out but yes the answer is that I do love Harry. I have loved him from the moment I laid my eyes on him.

"I love you too Harry." I exhale not taking my stare away from his.

“No Mia I don’t want you to say it just because I have said it to you.” Harry seriously says.

“No I’m not just saying it because you have said it. I really mean it Harry. I love you.” I don’t think that my heart has ever pumped as fast as it is right now.

Harry takes a steep back as his eyes search all over my face.

 What is he doing? What is he thinking? I know that I’m confused as hell because a second ago we were arguing and now we are declaring are love for one another. I really don’t know how Harry and I work sometimes.

As his eyes meet mine, Harry takes a step forward and connects our lips. It starts of slow but deep and hungry. I have missed his touch and the way he makes me happy. I don’t know how I feel right now but all I know is that I want Harry and that’s all.

“I love you Mia Leigh so fucking much.” Harry breaks the kiss and leans his forehead onto mine.

“Come here.” I wrap my arms tightly around his neck pulling him close to connect our lips once again.

I just want him to hold me tightly and never let me go again.

“You look so tired.” Harrys thumbs run underneath my eyes.

“I am.” I agree.

“Haven’t you been sleeping?” He questions.

I shake my head. I don’t think I have slept properly once since leaving him.

“Come on let’s go and get some sleep now then.” He kisses my forehead.

“Okay.” I nod into his chest.

We make our way through the house and upstairs to my bedroom. Harry pulls his shirt over his head and drops his jeans which just leave him in his boxers. Wow have I missed him! Harry makes himself comfortable in my bed as I get out of my clothes. To cover up a little I decide to wear some shorts and a vest.

Turning around, Harry has his eyes set on my body. He smiles before opening his arms out wide. I get into bed and move close to Harry so that he can wrap his arms around me. He pulls me in to his warm body and kisses my cheek.

“I’ve missed you Harry.” My tone of voice is heard much sadder then it is meant.

“I know baby. I’ve been losing my mind without you.” He nuzzles his head into my neck.

“Please don’t leave me alone again.” I say.

“I won’t. I promise. Okay?” He pulls the sheet over the both of our bodies.

“Okay.” I say before closing my eyes tightly.


I’m awoken by the beautiful bird singing outside of my bedroom window. I was in such a deep sleep and I already feel so much better. Harry and I fell to sleep early yesterday and we have somehow managed to sleep all through the night. I needed that sleep so bad because I don’t know how much longer I could have gone on before collapsing again. I was feeling so weak and worn out. Every day I felt dizzy and sick but I just couldn’t seem to sleep.

Harry just makes me feel so safe and I can just sleep a lifetime when he holds me tight in his arms, just he did last night. He still his me in a tight grip now but I really need to go to the toilet.

The Boy Next Door.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora