Chapter 53

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Harry’s Pov.

Rain. Rain. Rain. Rain is all I have fucking heard all night. It’s pounced of the car roof as if there wasn’t a tomorrow. I even think that it thunder stormed in the night, but I can’t be certain. I’ve hardly slept and now I have to pitch up a tent on soaking wet ground. See this is why I hate camping. It’s trouble all of the time and you can guarantee to always be dirty. The ground is always soggy and slippy! The weather is always cold and rainy and most of the fucking time the tents are shit!

“Babe are you awake?” Feeling my body shake, I try and sit up on the flat car seat.

Great now my back is bloody killing me. I feel like an old man!

“Yes I am awake. After the fucking rain last night I think that the whole campsite is awake.” At least we were in the car, I feel sorry for people who were in their tents.

“It wasn’t that bad.” Mia laughs.

“Wasn’t that bad? Wasn’t that bad? Are you kidding me, it was dreadful. Mind you every time I looked over at you, you were fast asleep.” I point out. I swear down that girl can sleep through anything.

“Are you complaining?” Mia’s eyebrows rise with a grin growing on her face.

O yes I forgot about the complaining thing!

“No, I was just saying my view of things.” I huff.

“Okay, okay. Whatever you say Harold.” She smirks.

“We best put this tent up then.” I finally manage to sit up, straightening my spine.

“Yeah we best had.” She sits up in a flash.

How the hell isn’t she aching? I’m in so much pain right now and she looks absolutely fine!

“Aren’t your bones aching?” I wonder.

“No, are yours?” She asks back.

“Fucking hell yes! Sleeping on car seats isn’t my calling in life.” I like my comfort.

Mia rolls her eyes and laughs. “Come on we best get the tent up.”

Unpacking the tent out of the car, for the second time we find flat land to pitch up.

I don’t even know how to put a tent up. I haven’t done this in years. Yes I went camping with the lads a few years back but I left them to pitch up whilst I went looking for food with Louis. Yes Louis is also shit at putting tents up. Liam is most likely the best at putting up a tent. I swear down that he could do it with his eyes shut.

Laying the body of the tent flat out on the ground, Mia and I begin to connect the first pole together as we repeat to do so with the other four.

“Now what?” I look at the four, long poles lying on the grass.

“Well all of the poles are different colours, so we must have to colour code them to the right slips.” Mia explains. Yeah I suppose that she is right with that one.

“I’ll feed and you grab it at the other end. Okay?” I say.

“Okay.” She agrees.

Feeding the pole through the slip, I keep pushing until it is at the other end of the tent.

“Got it.” Mia pulls it through.

We go to repeat the same method with the second pole but in the middle of the slip, the pole decides to fucking snag!

“Well this is going to be a nightmare.” I wine.

“Do you need help mate?” An unfamiliar muscular voice asks.

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