Chapter 65

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Mia’s Pov.

A new morning. A new day. A new start. If only everything is as simple as that though. I’ve been being sick all night. I don’t think that it’s the pregnancy which is making me sick, I think it’s because I’ve been worried sick about Harry. Where is he? Is he drunk? Is he lying in a ditch somewhere? Is he with another girl…no I trust him not to do that to me.

I’ve tried ringing him a couple of times but he hasn’t answered. In fact his phone hasn’t even rang, it just puts me straight through to his voicemail. Why isn’t he answering to me? Surly he wouldn’t want to put me through this worry. He hasn’t even contacted me.

Being brought from my thoughts, my phone begins to ring. Grabbing it off the table. I close my eyes hoping that it is Harry, praying that is it him. I just want to know that he is okay.

I don’t look at the caller ID, I just answer it straight away.

“Hello?” My voice is rushed.

“Hiya Mia, it’s dad are you okay?” My father’s voice sounds through the speaker.

I can’t help but feel a little disappointment that it isn’t Harry.

“Oh hey dad.” I try to cheer up.

“Oh hey dad. Wow you are happy aren’t you?” He mocks me.

If only he really knew the real truth.

“Sorry I’ve just had a restless night and I’m really tired.” I lie. No actually that is not really a lie.

“Awww my baby girl isn’t too well. Harry better be looking after you.” He jokes.

“…”I pause. “Yeah of course he is.” I will just act as if everything is okay.

“Mmm…good.” He sounds suspicious but thankfully doesn’t question me.

“Urm…yeah.” Well things just got awkward. “So is Max okay? How are you both doing?” I wonder trying to change the conversation.

“We’re both great. Max isn’t staying at Eddie’s tonight. He is coming to spend some time with me. We’ve had a great laugh today. It’s nice to see him with a smile upon his face.” Well what ever went on between them, it seems like it is all sorted now.

“Ahh I’m glad that you are both having a nice time.” I smile to myself.

“It’s a shame you and Harry aren’t here too. We would all have had a nice time together.” I don’t even know where Harry is myself right now.

“Yeah it is.” What else can I actually say to him? I can’t say that Harry is in an unknown place right now and I have no idea where he is.

“Mia are you sure everything is okay? You seem a little quiet.” He questions.

Well I’m not only ill, I’m pregnant and worried sick about Harry!

“Yes everything is fine.” Lier. My conscience tortures me.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.” No I’m not.

“Well okay I was just ringing to see if you were okay. I best get going now Max wants me to play Fifa with him.” He chuckles.

“You playing Fifa? Now that’s a first.” I laugh.

“Yes I’m a cool dad now.” I can tell that he is grinning.

 Just like you used to be. I think back to the old times.

“I’m glad you’re getting back to yourself again.” I reply. My voice sounding in a slightly quieter tone.

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