Chapter 15

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Mia's Pov.

(The Next Day.)

I feel so ill today, my head is spinning and I can hardly stand. My legs feel so weak and my full body feels limp and lifeless.

"Mia, are you ready?" shouts my farther.

Am I ready? No I'm still lying in bed half asleep.

"Mia for the last time come on otherwise we will be late for work." My farther soon bursts into the room.

Lying here just staring at my farther, trying to speak but nothing comes out. He soon realises that something is not right.

"My god Mia, you are dripping in sweat and you're freezing. You don't need to come into work today, just get plenty of bed rest okay?" He keeps his hand on my forehead as I slowly nod.

"Max will be home shortly from Kian's, and he said that he is'nt going into school today for no particular reason. So I will tell him to keep an eye on you. Okay hunny?" My farther smiles before exiting my bedroom. I want to shout and tell him to come back and that something is wrong, this is no normal fever! I'm just too weak to even move never mind holding a conversation.

I bet Harry will wonder where I am. I bet he thinks that I'm too embarrassed to turn into work all because of the kiss. He will most likely never talk to me again. I really don't want it to be that way. I want it to go back to the way it were before the kiss when we sat on the sofa and watched films, and talked for hours about nothing important, laughing to each other's bad jokes.

Everything that I can see around me is a blur, nothing is clear like it should be and my head...well put it this way, I feel as if I'm on a roller-coaster and it just won't stop. My hands feel clammy and my temperature is all over the place. One second I am shaking like a leaf and the next I'm sweating like a pig and can't stand to have any of the bed clothes on me.

Hopefully it will only be a twenty four hour bug or something nothing more. Maybe I should have gone to the doctors just to get checked out, but if I'm honest I don't really like going to the doctors or hospital. I'm one of those people who like to stay as far away as possible from them! I know hospitals are there to help you but for me they just bring back too many bad memories and I hate it.

*Knock, knock"

I look up to my door to see Max walk in.

"Oh my god Mia, you look dreadful. No offence." Thanks Max.

"I... just... need... sleep." My words are slow.

"Okay well if you need anything just let me know, I'm only in the next room so just give me a shout...okay well maybe you can't talk, how about you just text me. Yeah I think that is a better idea." Max says as I give a slight nod in agreement.


I have just awoken from a deep sleep and I don't even feel any better, in fact I feel ten times worse. The pressure in my head has increased and my room is spinning hell of a lot faster now than earlier.

I really could do with a drink. I haven't had one since going out with Harry last night. I maybe could be dehydrating? I don't want to disturb Max, so I may as well get up and go down the stairs for a drink.

One thing I hate about this house is that my bedroom is on top floor so trying to go down the stairs when you're not well is a nightmare!

Taking one small step at a time, I finally reach the top of the first flight of stairs. I decide to sit down and go down the stairs this way. It reminds me of being a child again but at least it is one way of getting down.

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