Chapter 68

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Harry’s Pov.

I'm awoken by a echoing retching sound in the far distance. It sounds so close but so far away at the same time.

“Mia, are you alright?” I stretch out my arms tying to feel for her in the bed.

As soon as I realise that Mia’s presence isn’t in the bed, I shoot up. Once again the retching sounds get repeated. Jumping out of bed, I slip my jeans on. I don’t tighten the belt, I leave my jeans loose around my waist.

“Mia!” I shout running down the hall way.

Another retching sound comes from the bathroom as I get closer. The noise is a lot louder now.

Kicking the door open, I run in to see Mia leaning over the toilet seat. Rushing over to her, I kneel by her side rubbing her back.

“It’s okay. Don’t panic.” Wow my heart is pounding so fast!

I hate seeing Mia like this. Her and the pregnancy really isn’t going down too well! I know that girls are sick whilst their pregnant but surly this isn’t normal. Mia is being sick constantly. She can only keep food down for a few hours before throwing is back up again.

“Harry…I feel…so dizzy.” Mia falls back into my bare chest.

I can’t carry on seeing her like this. She is obviously not well!

“I think we should get you to A&E.” I stroke her head.

“No…” She coughs. “I don’t want to.” Her voice is so low and quiet.

“I wasn’t asking you. I’m telling you that I’m taking you to A&E to get checked over. I need to know that you and the baby are okay.” It will put my mind at rest.

“I don’t like the hospital.” She cries.

“Nobody does, but if it makes you better I don’t really care whether you like it or not babe.” The sweat is dripping off Mia’s forehead right now. That proves she is running a high temperature right? I know that I’m no doctor or anything but surly it doesn’t take a genius to figure out if somebody is running a high temperature.

“Stay with me. Don’t leave.” Mia ‘s voice crackles as she coughs again. Closing her eyes, her grip loosens around my hand.

“Mia?” I shake her body. What the fuck is happening right now?

“Mia. Wake up!” I shake her body with more force.

Something is definitely not right!

Jumping up off the bathroom floor, I pick her body up in my arms.  She is so weak, lifeless and limp. No she is not dead because she is breathing even though each breath she takes is slow. I don’t know what has happened but from throwing up so many times, her body must have gotten so weak it couldn’t take anymore. I don’t know if she has fainted or not, but I need to get her to the hospital and fast!

Rushing down the hall way back to the bedroom, I lay Mia to rest on the bed. I grab my T-shirt up off the floor and slip it over my head before tying the belt tighter around my waist. To make sure Mia is kept warm, I gently put one of my jumpers over her body, covering her vest top.

I find the easiest shoes to wear before, picking Mia back up and heading for the front door of the house.

“Ha…Harry.” Mia’s eyes open slightly.

“Mia it’s okay. You’ll be okay. Just go back to sleep, rest.” I look into her eyes.

Mia is as light as a feather. I think I could carry her all day and my arms still wouldn’t get tired.

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